Magazine Jan-Feb 2019
SECRETARY Lindsay Fipp TREASURER Rahul Arora
Aaron Kim Ashok K. Lalwani Jay Jobanputra John Winsell Davies Justin Baldauf Nasir Kausar Peter Proft Phua Swee Leng Richard Hartung
Printer: Naili print MEDIA MCI (P) 006/08/2018 0210/1948RAC
01 FROM THE PRESIDENT 02 FROM THE GENERAL MANAGER 03 NEWS 12 Days of Christmas Draw Festive Operating Hours Annual Staff Fund Niche Group Lucky Draw Membership Cards Electronic Letters of Introduction A Warm Welcome to Our Newest Members Have You Visited our new outlets?
No Place Like Home Backyard B.B.Q Party Tree Lighting Evening
A Walk Down Memory Lane Tripartite Alliance Award 2018 Redevelopment Updates 13 EVENTS The Entrepreneurs Series The Big Bowl Chinese New Year Valentine's Day Politics with Steven Okun 19 ART SCENE Remembrance 20 TRAVEL Into The Land of Happiness
Grand Opening at The Quad The Quad Weekly Programs Become a Junior Member Total Defense Day Sleepover Camp 25 GYM Test Your Limits 30-Day Water Challenge 27 LIBRARY Did You Know? Meeting Room Promotions Book Club Kids' Activities Storytelling A Literary Evening 29 TENNIS 31 SPA January & February Promotions Skin in The Game 33 AQUATICS 35 ESSENTIALS 36 RANT & RAVE
Dear members,
address construction issues identified by members and management.
Happy New Year and Gong Xi Fa Cai ! It is hard to believe that 2019 is upon us and the Year of the Pig is fast approaching. I am honored to serve as your new president, and I hope the year ahead will be full of fun, laughter, prosperity, and good health for you and your family. I always find the new year to be a time of reflection, excitement, and goal-setting. In December, I was fortunate to attend Jim Baker’s talk on the history of The American Club. Not only is Jim an amazing speaker, but his stories about the founding of The Club made me feel proud to be a member. Listening to Jim offered me the opportunity to reflect on our club’s rich history and reinforced for me the knowledge that our greatest strength is our community. The American Club was built on a foundation of optimism, respect, inclusivity, kindness, and generosity of spirit, and these tenets remain the foundation of our community today. I think it is fair to say that 2018 was a challenging year filled with major changes. While membership numbers remained strong and many members enjoyed the new Thinkspace, sên Spa, Galbraith Ballroom, and Union Bar, there were significant concerns expressed about the design and layout of the new pool and locker room areas. Through it all, we, as a club family, relied heavily on our founding principles to guide us, and I want to assure you that I, along with the General Committee, am committed to upholding these qualities as we strive to complete the rebuilding of our home away from home. It is also my promise that the General Committee is committed to addressing your concerns in consultation and partnership with you, our fellow members, in order to create a Club you are proud of and enjoy using. This year, 2019, will mark a new beginning for our American Club community as the construction phase of redevelopment ends. It will be exciting to eat at our new all-day dining restaurant, Tradewinds, experience the lobby, workout in the new gym, and play in The Quad. As these outlets open, we will move into the final phase of redevelopment which is rectification. This phase will last for up to a year as the contractors
The General Committee looks forward to receiving your feedback. Our goal is to make this process as inclusive as possible, and we welcome input, ideas, and suggestions from every member of our club family. Just as when you first move into a new home, it may take some trial and error to get things right, but working together with you, we will get them right in the end. Please know that the General Committee and management are listening to you and appreciate your thoughtful feedback. I want to take this opportunity to share how thankful I am for every member that has volunteered their time to make The American Club the heart of our community. In particular, I would like to share my gratitude for departing General Committee members Kristen Graff, Neil Goldwax, Beng Bak Low, Ngiam Siew Wei, and Amitava Guharoy. Thank you for your years of service, for every dinner you missed with your family, every phone call you had to take while on holiday, and for your devotion and service to The Club and our members. You will be missed. At the same time, I would like to welcome new General Committee members Justin Baldauf, John Winsell Davies, Jay Jobanputra, and Nasir Kausar. I know that working together we can accomplish great things with and for our membership. Last but not least, thank you for the extraordinary care and kindness shown by our staff to our members each day and to our members for their patience and goodwill. You have all been so amazing during redevelopment, and I simply cannot thank you enough! As we work towards a strong future for The Club, I would love to hear your comments and suggestions. Please feel free to contact me at any time if I can help you in any way.
Best Regards,
Dana Hvide
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Dear Members,
which has been the hallmark of our Club culture for the past 70 years. We want to continue to cultivate this atmosphere, so if you are in a situation where these values are compromised in any way, we ask that you engage one of the Duty Managers. They will be happy to provide assistance and ensure our values of respect and integrity are upheld. Don’t forget that there are also other ways to let us know about your experience at The Club. Our Rant and Rave cards are for good comments and bad, and are located at various outlets within the Clubhouse. Additionally, the notebook at the Concierge is another platform for communicating your feedback. Member feedback is read and reviewed by all of the Senior Managers and myself, and we are constantly making minor course adjustments along the way based on this feedback. Most importantly, please know that we are always listening to Members, particularly during this time of change. The redevelopment process has been challenging, and your comments are invaluable in helping The Club find the best way forward. I hope that you will utilize these resources to share your thoughts with us.
Happy 2019! We at The Club are wishing you the very best this calendar and lunar New Year. I hope that you joined us for a New Year’s meal and plan to attend our Chinese New Year celebration. I’m looking forward to seeing the lion dance in our new spaces! The coming year will be the most exciting one yet for our redevelopment process as construction wraps up and we adjust to life in our new Clubhouse. Both Members and staff will be adapting to the concepts and spaces, finding a new flow, and getting to know our new home. One of the big adjustments will be The Club reverting to Clubhouse rules in due time. In order to make Members as comfortable as possible during the redevelopment period, some of our normal operating procedures were relaxed. We understand that Members needed to find a new normal in an abnormal situation, and we were happy to make accommodations. As we move back to a fully functioning Clubhouse, our friendly reminders, as determined by our bylaws, will return as well. Our fabulous Duty Managers — Anthony, Ronald and Palani are incredible at fulfilling each Member’s needs, while maintaining the integrity of The Club for all Members. These gentlemen are trained across Club life, from safety to vouchers, parking to dining. The Duty Managers (or DMs as we call them) are a fantastic resource for both Members and staff, as they ensure the comfortable environment we all enjoy.
Wishing you the best in 2019 and The Year of the Pig!
Best Regards,
At The Club, Members and Staff create a culture of optimism, respect, generosity of spirit, and kindness
Devin Otto Kimble
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Thank you to all Members who took part in our 12 Days to Christmas Lucky Draw, and a big congratulations to all our winners! Keep a lookout for our 15 Days of Chinese New Year Lucky Draw beginning Tuesday, February 5. Date Prize December 14 $100 Club-wide dining voucher December 15 $100 Club-wide dining voucher December 16 $150 The 2 nd Floor dining voucher December 17 $150 The 2 nd Floor dining voucher December 18 $150 worth of Banquet or Home Catering – food only December 19 105-minute Jet Lag Remedy Package at sên valued at $158 December 20 Pierre Paillard Grand Cru Brut NV 1.5L (Magnum) valued at $159 December 21 105-minute Kerstin Florian Caviar Facial at sên valued at $265 December 22 Two 90-minute Bamboo Massages at sên valued at $300 December 23 $500 The 2 nd Floor dining voucher December 24 $500 The 2 nd Floor dining voucher December 25 Dinner at the Chef ’s Table, The 2 nd Floor worth $1,500 inclusive of alcohol
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Festive Operating Hours
New Year’s Day Tuesday, January 1
The Club opens at 10:00 a.m.
Chinese New Year Eve Monday, February 4
The Club closes at 4:00 p.m.
Last food orders will be taken at 2:30 p.m. Youth and Fitness & Leisure classes will commence latest at 3:00 p.m.
Chinese New Year Days 1 & 2 Tuesday, February 5 & Wednesday, February 6
The Club opens at 6:30 a.m. and closes at 10:00 p.m.
*The Membership and Travel Desks are closed on public holidays *Information is correct at time of printing
Annual Staff Fund Thank You From all of us at The Club, our most heartfelt thanks to all Members for generously contributing to our 2018 Staff Holiday Fund, and for continuing to recognize and acknowledge our staff community.
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Niche Group Lucky Draw Congrats to our Niche Group lucky draw winners and thank you to all who have taken part in our monthly draws!
October – Marcia Capon 3D2N stay at Wadari Suite Room including daily breakfast, 60-min massage & Ubud Kintamani tour for 2 at Bali, Indonesia worth $830
November – Elbert Bailey $1,000 worth of Club vouchers
Electronic Letters of Introduction
Membership Cards
A gentle reminder to all Members to please flash your Membership Card to our security team when entering The Club. We understand that Members may find it a hassle, especially for those who frequent The Club on a daily basis, but security checks are put in place to ensure our Club premises remain safe and secure. Unauthorized personnel will not be allowed to enter The Club; Members are also reminded to check in guests either at the Concierge or at the self check-in kiosks.
With over 150 reciprocal clubs worldwide and more than 300 clubs in the United States to choose from, it’s no wonder our Reciprocal Club program is heavily utilized by Members. To visit any reciprocal clubs, Members simply request for a letter of introduction via our Concierge team, then present the hard copy letter and supporting documents to destination Clubs upon arrival. The past few months have seen The Club take a more active stand on green initiatives, and one of the ways The Club aims to reduce its carbon footprint is to go electronic as much as possible. Starting January 1, The Club will no longer be providing printed Letters of Introduction. Instead, The Club will be sending electronic Letters of Introduction via
We hope this small initiative on our part will help to make the world a greener place!
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A WarmWelcome to our Newest Members Mukesh Valiram & Roshan Budhrani Matthew & Catherine Pulisic James Froedge
Proshant Mehra & Mehek Kalra Nish Shetty & Natascha Ghadiali Ng Hock Seng & Lai Oi Yun Maria Mark & Paola Sherwill Chitwan Mittal Jun & Junko Yamazaki Jessie Kwan & Jaede Tan Frank & Raegan Sedlarcik Peter Jong Whang & Hyun Jung Kim Andrea & Benjamin Abbate Jaepil Kim & Yeari Lee Rajiv & Claire Dhown Jotdeep Singh Saini & Bani Trehan Rohan Sikri & Richa Goyal Andrew & Elizabeth Belden Harmstone Brian Carter & Juliet Hepker Devjyoti Rudra & Anushua Rudra Terry & Janet Farris Rakesh & Urbi Julka Erik L'Heureux & Kim Jungah Sonaal Chopra & Rohini Singh Ryan & Maureen Mai Ravinder Pal S/O Jagan Nath & Sarita Taneja W/O Ravinder Pal Tara & Sam Venu Robert Shiroishi & Sugako Mayuzumi Gary Parsons & Rochna Kaul Malek & Olfa Zanzouri Gary & Yvonne Tate Puja Sonal & Vikesh Bharat Ghelani Hwang Yin Jaepil Kim and Yeari Lee Erik L'Heureux & Kim Jungah Garrick Merlo & Florence Chan Charu Mahajan Luke Ng Gary Andrew Serbent Brett Scurfield & Mary Kiang Sarah Elizabeth Sandidge Frank & Raegan Sedlarcik Susanna Janene and Alonso Roigo Vargas Aaron & Linda Warnke Mark Warner Brett Theodore & Toni Denise Ashley-Wills Ravinder & Sarita Pal Ajay & Sukeshi Sondhi Odd Haavik & Gigi Ong Tao Yu & Dong Nan Scott Allen Kicker Miles & Emily Oberton Victoria Tan Matthew Bradshaw & Aaliyah Mysarah Ali Patrick & Sonali Bourne Sonaal Chopra
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Have you visited our new outlets?
UNION BAR GRAND OPENING It was a night of revelry on December 1 we had our long-awaited Grand Opening at the new Union Bar! Members partied it up with tons of booze – including our specially brewed TAC70 anniversary craft beer – at amazing prices between lip-smackingly delicious bar bites! The crowd also grooved to sweet tunes by live band Skunk Jive before ending the night on a high note. Be sure to pop by Union Bar for more great deals, available anytime of the week! Martini Mondays, Tiger Tuesdays, Whisky Wednesdays, Patron Margaritas Thursdays, Archipelago Saturdays, Craft Beer Sundays, and happy hour daily from 4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
THE BOWLING ALLEY Our Bowling Alley was officially launched in early December last year and was met with overwhelmingly positive response! From casual family outings, couples’ night, birthday parties to corporate events, our Bowling Alley offers entertainment that’s right up your alley. Our new Cosmic Bowling features multicolored disco lights and catchy beats, and is bound to be a treat for both the young and young-at- heart. Stay tuned for the formation of our very own TAC Kids’ and Youth Bowling Club later this year! Grab your loved ones and join our Themed Socials, available for a limited time only. Visit our website or email bowling@amclub. for more information.
THE GALBRAITH BALLROOM Our beautiful Ballroom was inaugurated at the Annual General Meeting last year, followed by a slew of events – Thanksgiving dinner, Niche Group Parties, Tree Lighting Evening and more. The Galbriath Ballroom features champagne tones that transform seamlessly from corporate to festive events. The rooms can be quartered into smaller spaces, or have the partitions removed to become an airy, open space complete with a cocktail reception area. Looking for an event space? Bookings for The Galbraith Ballroom are filling up fast – reserve now before slots run out! Add on a specially curated menu by our team of discerning chefs and wow your guests. Email for more information.
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No Place Like Home It’s been a year of change for our Members, with the closing of beloved outlets and opening of various new outlets. Our Clubhouse certainly looks different now, but our Club spirit and community remain as warm as ever. This is your home away from home, and our Gingerbread display last December certainly reiterates this message! Chefs Yeni Sukowati and her talented team comprising chefs Teo Chew Ming, Lew Kar Choong and Chanel Er Ler Sen went back to basics. After a whole month spent conceptualizing and fabricating the various elements, the team created a cozy Gingerbread house depicting a cute family going about their day-to-day life while preparing for the festive season. Almost everything was created by hand, and the Chefs sought special lighting to illuminate the intricate details!
Amid the bustle of redevelopment, we hope this adorable showcase gave Members a taste of home during the festivities.
Backyard B.B.Q Party The alfresco area behind Central was momentarily transformed into a homey Backyard B.B.Q Party on November 10 complete with adorable red and white checkered table mats and lush AstroTurf! Kids were treated to an amazing bubble show, before adjourning to the tables for some hands-on bonding sessions with Mummy and Daddy at our brownie decorating workshops. Our TAC70 craft beer also made its debut on that day to the delight of many surprised Members. Look out for more complimentary events to bring our community even closer!
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Tree Lighting Evening A yearly highlight, our Tree Lighting Evening on Thursday, November 29 kicked off the holiday season at The Club in a magical way! Our brand new Ballroom got a festive makeover, while our staff gamely dressed up as Santarinas and elves to amp up the holiday mood. A live choir serenaded the crowed with pop songs and classic carols, before Father Christmas made his long-awaited appearance!
A Walk Down Memory Lane Our 70 th birthday celebrations continue with a light-hearted sharing session with Jim Baker, long-time ClubMember, former history teacher at SAS and author of “ Eagle in the Lion City ” (2005) on December 4. The talk opened with fun anecdotes from Jim about his time at The Club in its early years and fond memories of our first Bowling Alley. Pictures of The Club from years past were also shown on the screen, to the delight of many of our most loyal Members in the audience. Jim also touched on the significance of naming The Galbraith Ballroom in honor of Francis Joseph Galbraith, the first US ambassador to Singapore in 1966.
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Tripartite Alliance Award 2018 As the saying goes, ‘take care of your employees and they will take care of your business’. The Club is a community and a home away from home for many of our Members and staff, and we believe in cultivating a work culture that encourages continual learning and leadership development. With our Senior Director of People Development Lee Lee at the helm, The Club has adopted a people-centric culture and embraced digital transformation while investing time to listen to staff. As such, it is with great honor when Lee Lee represented The Club on Wednesday, November 14 to receive two awards – the Tripartite Alliance Award 2018 (Age Inclusive Practices) and the Pinnacle Award . Conferred by the Tripartite partners (Ministry of Manpower, National Trades Union Congress, and Singapore National Employers Federation), the awards recognize organizations that have effectively implemented fair, responsible and progressive employment practices, while keeping employees at the heart of their progress. The Club was one of the three organizations that received the Pinnacle Award, which recognizes companies for their holistic people strategies and practices which went above and beyond the scope of the Tripartite Alliance Award. A big thank you to our staff for their contribution and commitment towards The Club’s ongoing journey of creating an outstanding Age Inclusive Workplace Culture. Please join us in celebrating these milestone awards!
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A huge thanks to the 308 MEMBERS who recently voted for our new wine & gourmet shop.
This timeline gives you an idea of the next phases of redevelopment you can expect in the coming months. These dates will vary depending on their operational readiness at the point of handover from the contractors. Once TOP is delivered, our teams will begin transitioning to the new spaces to get them ready for member usage. The Club will communicate more about openings as we get closer to these dates.
2015 Demolition Temporary Spaces Thinkspace PHASE 2 ACTUAL Q2 2018 Grillhouse Pools Central Spa Travel Desk PHASE 3
The Gourmet Pantry was the winning concept! Your vote will help inform the choices for uniforms, menu design, and general look and feel. You can look forward to the opening of the new Wine & Gourmet shop in Q1 2019.
W I N N E R !
option 2 Crates & Cuts 18% 55 votes
option 3 neither 14% 45 votes
option 1 Gourmet pantry 68% 210 votes
Q4 2018 The Galbraith Ballroom The Bowling Alley Union Bar PHASE 4 Q1 2019 Tradewinds Lobby The Quad The Gourmet Pantry PHASE 5
Q2 2019 Gym PHASE 6
Defect Warranty Period Improvements to spaces
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"Tradewinds" is the new all day dining restaurant that will replace Eagle's Nest. We're looking forward to opening after the New Year, and we'd like to give you an overview of what to expect.
The Tradewinds design was created together with the input of our Social and Dining Committee, staff, management, Member volunteers, EDG (our restaurant design consultants) the architects, and the interior design team. Based on the feedback received over many months, the following priorities: Family Friendly, Casual Dining, More Staffing Efficiency, Variety of Cuisines were formed and set as the basis for Tradewinds' design. The new restaurant is almost the same size as the Eagle's Nest, at approximately 10 meter sq. smaller than the old space. The above rendering of Tradewinds gives the general look and feel of the outlet, however, furniture placement and specific details like finishes, decor items, etc. may change in the final layout. QUESTIONS YOU MAY HAVE ABOUT TRADEWINDS
Where will Tradewinds be located? Tradewinds will be located in the same area as the Eagle's Nest--on the left side of the lobby, near the main entrance. Will the menu still be the same? The new Tradewinds menu has been developed by our F&B team in partnership with the Social and Dining Committee. Tradewinds will offer buffet selections featuring Classic American and European favorites, as well as a melting pot of Singapore dishes. There will also be a la carte menu that will be revised every 4-6 months. The buffet selections will be prepared at live action cooking stations (salads, grill, saute, and dessert) in small batches. Tradewinds will also have specialty stations including Asian, Indian, Gourmet Pizza, and Specialty Desserts. There will be a salad bar option Monday-Thursday during lunchtime. When will Tradewinds open? Tradewinds is currently scheduled to receive its TOP and be handed over by the contractor in Q1 2019. After the Club receives the outlet, it will take several weeks to get it operationally ready. Once we have a clear opening date, we will communicate it to Members.
What is the design concept for Tradewinds? Members voted on the "American Summer" theme for Tradewinds, which was expressed as a beach house. The outlet uses light woods, seafoam green accents, and a rustic feel as design concepts. Below is the design concept that Members voted on.
Who is EDG? EDG are our restaurant design consultants. They have restaurant, hotel, & resort design experience. Some of the restaurants they've worked on in Singapore include Neon Pigeon, the Fairmont, and Club Street Social. They came up with the design concepts for all our F&B outlets (including the UB, which is receiving rave reviews) and the centralized kitchen concept that will help us streamline our service and increase efficiencies back of house.
The Tradewinds floor plan, furniture, and designs received input from many volunteer Members. We thank those who gave countless hours of contribution who made this outcome a community project. After initial drafts were
completed, the designs were reviewed and approved by the Social and Dining Committee. It was further approved by the Design Review Committee and then further commented on and endorsed by the General Committee.
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THE BIG BOWL The big bowl is practically a national holiday back home. Join in the fun and catch two of the most prominent NFL teams compete live from the Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta, home of the Falcons!
Monday, February 4 6:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Union Bar Member: $37.95
The Galbraith Ballroom Member: $39.95 | Guest: $49.95 Child Member: $14.95 | Child Guest: $20.95
Adults (18 years & above) only at Union Bar Live broadcast is conditional upon the cable television’s screening availability Reservations required; a 48-hour cancellation policy applies Union Bar screening is available for Members only; limited seating available at both locations
For more information or reservations, please drop by the Concierge, call 6737-3411, or email
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CHINESE NEW YEAR REUNION DINNER – DINE-IN & TAKEAWAY Available from January 22 – February 19 Have Thanksgiving Chinese style by partaking in this significant Chinese custom! Food plays an important role during this momentous holiday, and our specially curated Reunion Dinner Set Menus at The 2nd Floor include numerous auspicious dishes for you to begin Chinese New Year on a prosperous note. $88 and $148 set menus available – look out for our new creations!
Takeaway options are also available for those who prefer dining in the comfort of their homes. Place your orders via the takeaway forms at the Concierge or The 2 nd Floor.
For more information or reservations, please call 6739-4329 or email
Drop by HOME for Chinese New Year decorations, and Essentials for delicious goodies from January 22 onwards. CHINESE NEW YEAR FAMILY FUN DAY A yearly highlight, our spectacular Lion and Dragon dance performances get a new twist this year! Come dressed in bright colors and soak in the infectious festive cheer.
Sunday, February 10 Clubwide 11:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Complimentary
Lion and dragon dance peformances start at 12:08 p.m.!
For more information, please call the Concierge at 6737-3411, or email
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Limited seatings available at both locations Reservations required; a 48-hour cancellation policy and The 2 nd Floor dress code applies A la carte menu is not available; brunch includes coffee, tea and free-flow soft drinks and juices Niche group privileges are not applicable *One portion per person
Expect a smorgasbord of popular CNY delicacies by Chefs Kelvin & Ken including fresh Salmon Yu Sheng*, Roasted Suckling Pig, Premium Fish Maw Soup with shredded Abalone and Preserved Wax Meat in Claypot, among other perennial favorites.
Sunday, February 3
The 2 nd Floor 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Adult Member: $69.95 | Adult Guest: $79.95 Child Member (under 12 years): $34.95 | Child Guest (under 12 years): $40.95 Child (under 5 years): $9:95 | Child (under 3 years): Free The Galbraith Ballroom 10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Adult Member: $49.95 | Adult Guest: $59.95 Child Member (under 12 years): $24.95 | Child Guest (under 12 years): $30.95 Child (under 5 years): $9:95 | Child (under 3 years): Free
For more information or reservations, please email or
PROSPERITY TOSS Take part in our annual prosperity toss! More commonly known as Lo Hei , this fun Chinese New Year ritual symbolizes abundance of good health, prosperity and vigor. Toss the ingredients as high as you can and the luckier you’ll be for the rest of the year!
February 5 – 12 Grillhouse 12:08 p.m. daily Complimentary
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VALENTINE’S DAY Looking for beautiful bouquets or thoughtful gifts? Drop by HOME from January 31 and choose from our extensive range of merchandise! VALENTINE’S DINNER Love is in the air! Pamper your significant other with a romantic date complete with exquisite cuisine. Bonus tip: leave the kids at home or drop them at The Quad to enjoy some well-deserved couple time! Thursday, February 14 The 2 nd Floor 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Set dinner is available at $208 per couple including 2 glasses of Champagne
Reservations required; a 48-hour cancellation policy applies A la carte menu is available; The 2 nd Floor dress code applies Limited seats available; max capacity: 60
For more information or reservations, please call 6739-4329 or email
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Will US politics take us on a rollercoaster ride with even more twists and turns, and maybe even drop-offs, in 2019? Steve Okun returns for a presentation, interactive discussion, trivia questions and maybe a few more obscure pop culture references on what to expect in Washington this year. Why the Democrats rode a "wave" to the House but not the Senate, what that means for 2019, from investigations (for sure) to impeachment (maybe) and continuing trade tensions with China (probably) and how this could impact Singapore and the region.
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13 Adults’ Library at Thinkspace 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Registration starts at 6:30 p.m. TAC / AAS Member: $25
About Steven Okun A veteran of US campaigns, politics and government, Steven Okun provides commentary and analysis as a co-host for CNBC, serves as the in-studio election analyst for Channel NewsAsia and guest lectures at universities across Singapore. Having been elected three times as Chairman of AmCham Singapore, he is in his fourth terms as a Governor and now serves as President of the Asia Business Trade Association. He provides strategic counseling to multiple US businesses on public affairs in Asia Pacific.
Max capacity: 60; open to TAC / AAS Members only Registration required; slots will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis A 48-hour cancellation policy applies Registration details: TAC Members: call 6739-4398 or email AAS Members: Register on the AAS website at
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Exhibition Period The American Club 7 January—31 March 2019
Art Launch Thinkspace 24 January 2019 6:30—7:30 pm
Our sense of place influences our memory in myriad ways. We form our place identity in relation to the environment in which we live and work – from the country, city, town or landscape we call home, to the rooms in which he eat, sleep or raise families. These places inform our experiences, behaviors and attitudes about other places. The ideas and feelings which we develop through our interactions with the physical spaces we inhabit allow us to construct a sense of belonging, generate meaning, build attachments, and tackle change. The artists presented in this exhibition explore human-environment relations in diverse and inventive ways.
Sullivan+Strumpf is located at Gillman Barracks, 5 Lock Road #01-06, Singapore 108933
Bed Mess by Karen Black
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With spellbinding scenery of lush green terraces, mighty glacial rivers and mountain passes with Buddhist prayer flags fluttering in the wind, Bhutan is one of the last few places in the world that feels wonderfully unspoiled and remote, with little influences from the western world. Immerse in the ancient culture of the locals and take in the breathtakingly beautiful landscape with a stay at stylish properties like Aman, COMO, the highly-anticipated Six Senses Lodges, or charming local boutique hotels. A week-long itinerary is the perfect way to enjoy a holiday at the landlocked Himalayan Kingdom. Begin with a drive to Thimphu, the capital and largest city in Bhutan. Surrounded by rich forest mountains dotted with ancient monasteries and lhakhangs (temples), Thimphu remains the only capital in the world completely free of traffic lights. Visit the striking cloud-capped valleys of Punakha and Paro and take in the dramatic views of the Himalayan peaks. Round off the trip with an amazing walk to the world famous Tiger’s Nest Monastery amid an array of exciting experiences daily.
Scott Dunn offers a six-night introductory itinerary to Bhutan from $2,590 per person based on two people travelling on a full board basis including private transfers and guiding. As with all Scott Dunn’s holidays, itineraries can be completely tailor-made based on personal interests. Drop by the Travel Desk, call 6735-1033 or email for more information.
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Are you game to meet your Quad squad? Come join us at our grand opening! Expect a slew of funtastic activities and memorable events to celebrate this long-awaited milestone.
JM EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW PARTY Friday, January 25 | 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Bring 2 guests and attend the party together! Light refreshments provided.
SAY IT AND GET IT Tuesday, January 29
Session A: 5:00 p.m. - 5:15p.m. Session B: 5:30 p.m. - 5:45p.m. Session C: 6:00 p.m. - 6:15 p.m.
*12 years and above; open to Junior Members registered in our membership system only
Head down to The Quad and say these magic words “I CAN’T WAIT TO BE AWED BY THE QUAD AND APPLAUD WITH THE QUAD SQUAD!” for a chance to walk away with 2 Quad tokens (worth $4) each! Tokens can be utilized at The Quad Arcade.
The Quad Poolside: Tree house, Dress-up Area, Grocery Store, Art & Craft The Quad: Wallholla, PC games, Playstation 4, Arcade, Tinkering Wall, LEGO Complimentary; only for kids registered in our membership system only; terms & conditions apply Please drop us a line at if you have yet to register your kid (11 years and under) in our membership system
One entry per Member child; prizes available for first 10 participants only; contest open to Members only
Purchase 10 arcade tokens ($2 per token) fromJanuary 29 to February 10 and receive 5 FREE additional tokens worth $10! THE ZONE CLOSURE January 22 – January 28 No birthday party bookings during this time. Email for more information.
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LIMITED TIME ONLY IN FEBURARY! MONDAY MOVIE MANIA – THE INCREDIBLES Come dressed in your superhero gear and join The Incredibles as they defend the city from their foes!
TEENY TINY TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS Story Time with The Quad Puppets! The Quad Poolside 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. | 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m
February 11 | 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. The Quad Screening Room Complimentary; popcorn included
TINKERING TUESDAYS 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
The Quad Tinkering Corner Member: $15 | Guest: $20 Recommended for 7-year-olds and above February 12: Glitter Love Potion and Flowers February 19: Personal Piggy Bank February 26: D.I.Y Defense Vehicle
Calling all tweens and teens who are turning 12 or have already turned 12! Tweens and teens typically crave independence and time away from parents… but parents may be hesitant to give their kids full rein all the time. Getting your child their own Junior Membership allows them complete independence within The Club so they may enjoy themselves in a safe space, and parents will have peace of mind. Benefits of a Junior Membership • JMs can sign in 2 guests independently • Exclusive privileges and discounts at Club outlets • JM lucky draw • Utilize The Club without parental supervision What are you waiting for? Register your child now via!
WILDCARD WEDNESDAYS – THE WALLHOLA RACE Weekly from February 13 | The Quad Wallhola
Session A: 4:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Session B: 5:15 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. Session C: 6:00 p.m. - 6:35 p.m.
Recommended for 7-year-olds and above; Guest charges apply
Winners will walk away with a $5 Club Voucher!
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SLEEPOVER CAMP In conjunction with George Washington Ball 2019
TOTAL DEFENSE DAY Singapore commemorates Total Defense Day every year on February 15, and kids learn the importance of protecting Singapore during emergencies. Come by for a fun hands-on session with our friendly neighborhood firefighter.
March 2 & 3 Member Child: $200 | Guest Child: $240 Recommended for 7-to 12-year-olds
Day 1 3:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Day 2 7:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 3:30 p.m.
Registration @ The Quad
Laser Tag
Cosmic Bowling
Movie and Popcorn
Shower Time
Lights Out
Saturday, February 23 The Scotts Road Backyard / Zone Studios 9:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Rise & Shine & Game Time
Breakfast @ Grillhouse
Wild Wild Wet @ Downtown East
End of Camp Pick up at The Quad
Visit our website for detailed program!
Registration required via; some programs might not be suitable for participants 7 years and below
Registrations required; a one-week cancellation policy applies
For more information or to register, please drop by The Quad or email
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TEST YOUR LIMITS Get a positive and healthful start to 2019 with these personal challenges!
JANUARY: 800-meter Rowing Challenge January 1- 31
Complete 800 meters in the shortest possible time.
FEBRUARY: Functional Fusion 1-minute Challenge February 4 – 28
Complete as many reps per minute for each of the below exercises: • Suspended Trainer Knee Tuck • ViPR Ice Skaters • Swiss Ball Cross Body Mountain Climbers • Inverted BOSU Ball Squat Exercise examples can be found in the Gym.
Age categories:
Male • 16-35 years • 36-50 years • 51 years and up Female • 16-30 years • 31-50 year
• 51 years and up Terms & conditions: • Registration is free! • Challenge must be assessed by a Club personal trainer • Register for a slot at the Sports Counter (challenge times from 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. on weekdays and 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays ; by appointment only • Minimum age of 16 years to participate For more information, please drop by the Sports Counter or call 6739-4312.
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30-DAY WATER CHALLENGE Water accounts for up to: • 60 percent of the human body
• 70 percent of the brain • 90 percent of the lungs • 83 percent of blood • 75 percent of lean muscle tissue
• 10 percent of the body’s fat • 22 percent of the body’s bone • A large percentage of the cells in your body, which perform so much of the body’s work Water Challenge Rules: • A general rule of thumb is to drink four to six cups of water a day or more if you're sweating heavily • You should not drink more than 27-33 ounces (0.8-1.0 liters) of water per hour* • Alcohol is not allowed • The key to success is to create a daily water drinking plan that fits into your existing lifestyle and routine. *Although uncommon, it's possible to drink too much water. When your kidneys can't excrete the excess water, the sodium content of your blood becomes diluted (hyponatremia) – which can be life-threatening. Water benefits: • Flow of blood and lymph through the body – reduces blood pressure as well as the viscosity of blood, which makes it less likely to clot • Brain function – has the potential to improve your cognitive ability by 30% • Enhances transfer and absorption of nutrients into cells and tissues • Healthy cell water turnover – where nutrients can easily get into the cell while toxins move out efficiently • Helps movement of nerve impulses through the nervous system • Boosts performance of kidneys and liver in removing toxins, excess salt and waste products, while preventing the formation of kidney and bladder stones • Helps skin retain moisture, suppleness and radiance while slowing down its aging process • Fat loss – water acts as a hunger suppressor • Regulation of body temperature • Lubrication and cushioning of joints
No Color. Transparent
Transparent Yellow Normal
Dark Yellow You need to drink some water soon
Amber or Honey Your body isn't getting enough water
Syrup or Brown Ale You need to drink water. NOW & A LOT!
Pale Straw Color You're normal & well hydrated
You're drinking a lot of water
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DID YOU KNOW? Access to the Thinkspace phone booths are now fully automated, meaning that Members simply need to tap their membership cards to access the booths. This automated system not only enhances efficiency, but also allows us to track usage and automate charges after the complimentary use period is up. This process saves our frontline team an estimated 75 man-hours per month, allowing them to focus on other Member-facing services. MEETING ROOM PROMOTIONS Elite / VIP Members: • Book a meeting room for a minimum of 3 hours and a 30-minute free extension plus 10% off the total bill (inclusive of optional accessories) • Enjoy 10% off all Grab & Go items 15K / 10K Members: • Book a meeting room and enjoy 5% off the total bill (inclusive of optional accessories) • Enjoy 10% off all Grab & Go items
OVERDRIVE Save the trees with e-books! Access a world of titles at your fingertips and never worry about late fines again. 1. Download the free Overdrive app or go to 2. Log in with your full membership ID (no spaces or dashes, e.g. A123400) 3. Browse and borrow!
Note: The Overdrive app is not compatible on Kindle.
Book Suggestions Is there a book you’d like to read? We’re always interested to hear your suggestions for additions to our collection. Drop us an email at, call 6749-4478 or drop by the Library to speak with our friendly staff!
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KIDS’ ACTIVITIES January – “I Have a Dream” Contest
Dr. Martin Luther King had a dream for freedom, justice and friendship. What’s your dream today? Pick up a handout from the Library and submit your entry to Thinkspace by January 25 for a chance to win a $30 CapitaLand Voucher! Entries will be displayed at the Children’s Library. February – CNY Paper Lantern Making Contest This Chinese New Year, create your very own paper lanterns with red packets and stand to win a $30 CapitaLand Voucher! Submit your lanterns to Thinkspace by February 25; entries will be displayed at the Children’s Library. Age categories: 4 to 5 years | 6 to 8 years | 9 to 11 years 1 winner per category STORYTELLING
BOOK CLUB Join our monthly Book Club sessions to meet fellow aficionados and partake in thoughtful discussions about award winning novels! Adults’ Library, Thinkspace 7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Complimentary; light refreshments will be provided
Thursday, January 31 Leonardo Da Vinci by Walter Isaacson
Kid’s Library, Thinkspace 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Based on thousands of pages from Leonardo da Vinci’s astonishing notebooks and new discoveries about his life and work, Walter Isaacson “deftly reveals an intimate Leonardo” ( San Francisco Chronicle ) in a narrative that connects his art to his science. He shows how Leonardo’s genius was based on skills we can improve upon in ourselves, such as passionate curiosity, careful observation, and an imagination so playful that it flirted with fantasy. Winter. Bleak. Frosty wind, earth as iron, water as stone, so the old song goes. Winter, life-force matches up to the toughest of the seasons. In this second novel in her seasonal cycle and follow-up to her sensational Autumn , Smith's shape- shifting novel casts a warm, wise, merry and uncompromising eye over a post-truth era in a story rooted in history and memory. In Ali Smith's Thursday, February 28 Winter by Ali Smith
In partnership with Stamford American International School
Saturday, January 26 The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson
When Mouse takes a stroll through the woods, he meets a fox, an owl, and a snake who all want to eat him! So Mouse invents a gruffalo, a monster with "terrible tusks and terrible claws, terrible teeth, and terrible jaws." But will Mouse's frightful description be enough to scare off his foes? After all, there's no such thing as a gruffalo… is there?
Saturday, February 23 The Tiger Who Came to Tea by Judith Kerr
The doorbell rings just as Sophie and her mummy are sitting down to tea. Who could it possibly be? What they certainly don't expect to see at the door is a big furry, stripy tiger! What does he want, surely not to join them for tea?
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Join one of Singapore's most well-known writers, Felix Cheong, as he discusses humor stories from his trilogy of short stories, Singapore Siu Dai . Have a laugh about the way Singaporeans "chope" tables, smile at how the locals queue endlessly for anything from Hello Kitty to bubble tea, and be tickled by Felix's wry observation about our uniquely Singaporean brand of politics.
Thursday, January 24 Adults’ Library, Thinkspace Complimentary; light bites available
7:15 p.m. 7:45 p.m. 8:30 p.m.
Registration and mingling Author reading and Q&A Mingling and discussion
About Felix Cheong Felix has published 13 books that traverse different genres, including five volumes of poetry, two young adult novels, a collection of short stories and a children's picture book. Felix holds a masters in creative writing and was also winner of the National Arts Council's Young Artist Award in 2000. In 2010, he was voted by Readers Digest as the 29th Most Trusted Singaporean.
Complimentary event; light bites available Registration required
For more information or to register, please drop by the Library, call 6739-4308 or email
CALENDAR TENNIS CAMPS Winter Holiday Tennis Camp: December 17, 2018 – January 11, 2019 TERM COACHING PROGRAM Term 2 / Spring Program: January 14 to June 7 Term 1 / Fall Program: August 12 to December 14 MEN’S DROP-IN Saturdays: 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. 24-hour advance booking required
WEEKLY SOCIALS Monday Men’s Socials: 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Wednesday Ladies Socials: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
TOURNAMENTS February 16 Mini Tennis Tournament
February 22 - 24 Adult Singles Championship
MIXED TENNIS SOCIAL Every 1st Friday of the month except public holidays, winter and summer break 7:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
March 9 Team Tennis Challenge
March 10 Parent & Child Tournament
February 1 | March 1 | April 5 | May 3 | June 7
March – April STA Inter-Club Singles League
*LADIES DROP-IN Fridays: 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
NICHE GROUP MIXED TENNIS SOCIALS Every 3rd Friday of the month except public holidays; open exclusively to Niche Group Members 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
May 24 – 26 Adult Doubles Championship
24-hour advance booking required; on hiatus during summer and winter break
May 4 Mini Tennis Tournament
29 | TAC
FREE YOURSELF FROM CHRONIC PAIN AND SPORTS INJURIES WITH PRP THERAPY Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy is a treatment which uses the regenerative power of your blood platelets for pain relief in knee and joint pains. • Non-Surgical Procedure • No Side Effects • Long Term Benefits • Clinically Proven
Get the word out
F O R M O R E I N F O R M A T I O N O N A D V E R T I S I N G A N D O U R R A T E S , C O N T A C T O U R M A R K E T I N G E X E C U T I V E A T I N F O @ A M C L U B . O R G . S G .
3 Mount Elizabeth #15-14 Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre (Orchard). Singapore 228510 Tel: 6732 8848 | After Hours Tel: 9755 5366 |
Our clinic focuses on safety and effectiveness , patient education and US FDA-cleared products and treatments . Our popular services are: IT'S ALL ABOUT TRUST
• BOTOX ® • Dermal Fillers • Ultherapy ® Non-Invasive Face Lift • Laser and IPL Treatments • Dermapen™ Microneedling • Pearl Resurfacing Procedure • Cutis Chemical Peels • Exilis™ Ultra Face Skin Tightening • Dr. Perfect V-Line PDO Thread Lift
Medical & Scientific Director MD, MBA, MPH (Harvard) Fellowship (Harvard) Practical Dermatology (Cardiff) DR. SYLVIA RAMIREZ American Board Certified
• CoolSculpting ® & Z Lipo Fat Freezing Procedure • Vanquish ME™ Contact-less Fat Reduction • Ultra Femme 360™ Non-Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation • Cellulite Reduction (Acoustic Shockwave Therapy) • Exilis™ Ultra Body Skin Tightening
Medical Aesthetic Doctor MBBS DR. EDMOND NG
Fellowship (Royal Colleges of Surgeons, UK) Fellowship (Royal Australian College of GP) CAAM (USA)
Cutis Medical Laser Clinics 9 Scotts Road #08-07 Pacific Plaza (Just 5 mins from American Club) You can reach us at: 6801 4000 | |
30 TAC |
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