The American Club Magazine - Summer 2021
Dear Members, I am pleased to share that The Club has recently recorded a modest, year-to-date operating profit, through spending at The Club, improved control of costs and new Memberships. Please do continue to suppor t us in our endeavors for new Member referrals as Membership is the lifeblood of our business, and joining fees as well as monthly dues contribute significantly to The Club’s reserves and cash flow.
I’d like to thank all of you who have taken par t in our Member Satisfaction Survey. Your feedback and input is impor tant during this process to ensure that we end up with a club that we both enjoy and are proud of. We’ve read through every comments and are proactively working on how to make the spaces more enjoyable for you, as well as enhance our working environments to make our services more efficient. This has also given us a well-rounded picture of how we can be improved or changed. In light of the recent COVID-19 Advisory updates, we will need to suspend our favorite Sunday program, the pool inflatables, until fur ther notice. Please do note of the latest changes in The Club (on page 8) - thank you for your cooperation and understanding. The General Committee have commenced their Strategic Planning process to define our mission and vision, horizon gaze the future and reflect on the past. Stay tuned for the next stage of Member consultation. Meanwhile, stay positive and test negative.
Rick Coate General Manager
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