The American Club Magazine - Summer 2021
Dear Members, I hope you had a wonderful first quar ter of the year – time sure flies! Thank you for your continued trust and suppor t for the General Committee (GC) and The American Club. It is really my greatest honor and pleasure to be appointed as your President. A little introduction about me, I completed my Bachelor and MBA in Wisconsin before moving to Philadelphia to star t my career in banking. Fast forward to 1995, my beautiful wife (from Iowa), my amazing daughter and I moved to Singapore and joined The American Club. The rest was history. Since then, I’ve served on the Golf Committee and am presently on the Social and Dining Committee as their Chair. I’ve worked in the banking industry in U.S., Europe, and Singapore, in par ticular, with Citibank for the greater par t of my career. After which I ran a fund management company. Most recently I have been involved with various star t-ups in the exciting tech space. I also owned Italian restaurants in the past and taught finance at university. I continue to love golf and tennis, and play plenty of the latter inThe Club (our cour ts are amazing!). If you see me in The Club, please let's grab a cuppa and chat. Moving forward, the General Committee’s focus for 2021 is to look at a long-range financial plan to budget for operations, growth and renewal for The Club; a seamless Club-wide I.T. system (including a mobile app), strategic planning; ways on how to improve The Club services and offerings; and, not forgetting, valuing and developing our staff to grow together.
That said, I am excited to lead the Club with these three philosophies that I hold dear to: team work (yes, we do achieve more together), Members-first (your opinions and feedback are impor tant), and, most impor tantly, transparency. Using these three as the pillars for my tenure as President, I am confident that our beloved Club will be a safe and welcoming space for everyone; truly our home away from home.
Stay safe and wishing all of you a lovely month ahead,
Nasir A Kausar President
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