The American Club Magazine - Spring 2021
LIKE FATHER, LIKE DAUGHTER Tenealle Fasala follows in her father, Greg Fasala’s footsteps and is set to be making waves in the Australian Women’s water polo train-on squad.
It’s not everyday you get to be in the same household as an Olympic Silver medalist and an Australian Women’s water polo member. Welcome to the Fasala. The Club’s Coach Greg’s daughter,Tenealle was selected into the Australian water polo squad, Australian Stingers, and is now preparing for the next Olympic Games. We asked Coach Greg on his thoughts about his daughter's selection in the team and how he feels about the possibility of her par ticipation in the games. “I'm so proud of her achievements; the oppor tunity to represent your country is always an honor and to be selected to train and be par t of this team is a fantastic milestone for her,” he shares. The Australian Stingers is made up of a number of seasoned and experienced players that have represented their country for decades. Some players that are trying out for this year's team, if successful, will be their four th Olympics.
“Tenealle is the youngest player to be selected, so the experience and skills she will learn from these great players around her will serve her well in the future. As her dad and a coach, I am so pleased and although I can’t be with her to give her a hug of congratulations on making the squad, we are constantly on Zoom calls. I am following her trainings and condition the best I can. I’m keeping my fingers crossed - Tenealle has three main training camps over the coming months before the final selection of the official Olympic team,” says Coach Greg. The Club congratulates and wishes all the best for Tenealle.
Get Active with Coach Greg Fasala
Mondays 11:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. $20 per virtual session
Minimum four par ticipants for each session to commence. For more information, or to register, please email
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