The American Club Magazine - Spring 2021
KNOWYOUR SKELETAL MUSCLE INDEX With great knowledge comes great power, read on to find out why knowing your Skeletal Muscle Index is important for you. Did you know that apar t from obesity, many countries are now facing another health problem? With poor diet and lifestyle habits, the elderly population is experiencing a progressive age-related skeletal muscle disorder, sarcopenia (muscle wasting). Sarcopenia accelerates the loss of muscle mass and strength, and will lead to outcomes like mobility decline, instability, and even mor tality. It is vital to keep healthy as our skeletal muscle, which accounts for 40% of total body weight, deteriorates quantitatively and qualitatively with aging. Changes in Muscle Mass and Muscle Strength with age based on 40s Age (yr) Loss of muscle mass Loss of muscle strength Until 70 8% per decade 10% - 15% per decade After 70 15% per decade 25% - 40% per decade The term Skeletal Muscle Index (SMI) was created to diagnose sarcopenia. SMI denotes the muscle mass of an individual based on kg/m2. • Sarcopenia was defined as SMI; * Below 7.0 kg/m2 in men * Below 5.7 kg/m2 in women. • Any ratio higher than the specified cut-off rate (below 7.0 kg/m2 in men and below 5.7 kg/m2 in women) is considered healthy. The prevention and improvement of sarcopenia is age-adapted safe and progressive resistance (strength) training in combination with nutritional interventions can increase the cross-sectional area and function of muscle fibers. The higher the value of SMI, the stronger is the person. Want to know your SMI? Visit or call the Sports Counter at 6739-4312 to book your complimentary 15-minute body composition test to find out your SMI result.
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