The American Club Magazine - Spring 2021
Dear Members We will be ushering in the Year of the Ox on Friday, February 12, 2021. The Ox occupies the second position in the Chinese Zodiac.Those born in theYear of the Ox are diligent, dependable and determined. Oxen are honest and earnest. Our special wishes go out to all those born in the Year of the Ox and Gong Xi Fa Cai! to everyone celebrating the Lunar NewYear. The Team The Annual Staff Holiday Fund or Ang Pow collection is Members’ way of saying “Thank You” to the staff team for the wonderful efforts throughout the year. Thanks to the generosity of our Members, we are very pleased to share that a record 87% of Members contributed to the Staff Holiday Fund. On behalf of all of the Team, thank you, thank you. The new Management structure has provided some empowering opportunities for Department managers to take the next step in their career as Assistant Directors. We now look to a wide collaborative culture for new ideas, efficiencies and levels of teamwork, to deliver services and facilities that exceed your expectations. The General Committee has approved a modest bonus structure for the current financial year which includes all tiers of staff. There is the possibility of increasing the amount of the pool based on the financial performance of the Club against the approved budget. These are extraordinary times. Life under the new COVID-19 normal can be frustrating, challenging, and is applying unprecedented pressures. I sincerely thank Members for being patient and respecting our Staff ’s continued service as The Club sets record numbers for Member attendance as we maintain staffing levels of 272 FTE compared to 330 FTE in the previous year. In the first six months of the (financial) year, we have served over 197,000 meals and welcomed Members and guests over three hundred thousand times. All done safely, socially distanced with a (masked) smile and professionally. Financials Members will be pleased to learn that the Club recorded its first half-yearly profit in almost five years. Gross Operating Profit
(after bonus accrual) of $99k compared to a loss of -$2.36M in the previous year.
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Planning The coming months promise to be exciting as the General Committee formulates a Strategic Plan in consultation with Members, Staff, and stakeholders. Management is working closely with the Finance Committee on a five-year forecast with scenarios of business as usual, prolonged pandemic restrictions and a mix of both. We came up with the Club’s first ever Marketing Plan with a focus on Membership recruitment and retention. Did you know? The Smoker by Poolside is actually a giant oven that roasted over 8 tons of turkey and ham from November to December! As always, please reach out to me directly with any questions,
comments or concerns. Sincerely, at your service
Rick Coate
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