The American Club Magazine - Spring 2021
Dear Members, Happy New Year and Gong Xi Fai Cai! As we usher in the Year of the Ox with cautious optimism, none of us will soon forget the turbulence and uncer tainty of 2020. There is much to look forward to in the upcoming year. This is my first letter as President to ever yone in the extended American Club Community. I am truly grateful for the trust that you have placed in your General Committee. As President, an impor tant par t of my role is to keep the community informed about the direction that The Club is heading. I will do my best to communicate with you as we navigate through 2021. As you may be aware, the Club star ted this new year with many changes. Rest assured, the General Committee, working together with Management, will continue to ensure an optimal club experience for our Members while providing a healthy work environment for our Staff. In the midst of this period of adjustment, I would like to take this oppor tunity to emphasize the positive aspects of recent developments. First and foremost, we have had 211 new Members join our Club community since the circuit breaker lifted - a warm welcome to all of you! Since his arrival, our new General Manager, Rick Coate, has hit the ground running with his Listening and Learning tours to gain Members and Staff feedback. We have enormous confidence in Rick’s leadership and ability to enhance member experience and to smoothly run the operations of The Club. Despite the COVID-19 restrictions, The Club is still vibrant and bustling. Your patience and suppor t for The Club through the renovations and the pandemic has and will continue to make our Club truly a place where we can call our ' home away from home' . Our Staff displayed resilience and commitment during this difficult period, and we wish to thank them for their dedication. For 2021 and beyond, it is impor tant for us to hear from all of you - our Members. For example: based on the feedback received, you will soon see a new paint color for the walls (as
voted on by Members and highly anticipated), as well as more green foliage to brighten our poolside. You may have already noticed an improvement in the F&B outlets and some price adjustments within the Club, although much remains to be done. Only with your voices will we know how to prioritize and deliver on Member expectations. To this end, we are re- star ting Member sur veys. Your feedback and ideas are valued and appreciated. Member engagement and ‘bringing the fun back’ is key for us this year - in person or vir tual; even with limited group size, we will tr y our best to make this happen for our Club community. We are also working on providing clear and transparent communication so that all Members are informed about not only the many events at our Club, but also onThe Club’s financial status along with things that you want to know. Members are now able to obser ve General Committee meetings via Zoom and summar y meeting points will be provided in the What’s On newsletter. Increased transparency and accountability are another change you will obser ve this year. Moving forward, the General Committee’s high-level priorities are: member engagement, strategic planning, improving financial performance and capital reser ves, membership recruitment, and staff well-being. In closing, I sincerely thank you for your continued suppor t and patronage of The American Club Singapore. A Club built on the values of respect, safety, and integrity to be your ‘ home away from home ’. Wishing ever yone a ver y happy, healthy, and prosperous Lunar New Year.
Neetu Mirchandani
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