The American Club 2022/2023 Annual Report
ENGAGING EMAIL CAMPAIGNS Electronic Direct Mailers (EDMs) are one of the Club’s most effective communication touchpoints. Regular EDMs include What’s On every Tuesday, Notes from the General Manager (formerly Coates Notes) on Thursdays and the monthly President’s Letter, just to name a few. Open rates have grown from strength to strength ranging from 55% to 65%, a true testament to the Club’s commitment to an effective and high quality Member engagement. Special celebrations call for thematic EDMs that highlight exclusive events and offerings. From the Club’s Birthday Bash to the year-end festivities and Spring Festival, these dedicated EDMs enjoy an impressive open rate of 59% and above.
MEDIA PUBLICATIONS Media partnerships are an effective way to reach a broader audience within the expat community. Expat Living enjoys high readership in both digital and printed formats and two advertorials were published in February and April 2023. In these articles, Club Members tell the story of their move to Singapore and how The American Club became their home away from home. These stories aim to inspire readers to book a Club tour and see what the Club has to offer. Media partnerships also aim to boost brand awareness and recall, supporting Member acquisition efforts. In addition to media publications, the Club’s sister organizations are also a fertile space to cultivate leads. The Club has a presence in the respective publications and social platforms of American Association of Singapore (AAS), American Women’s Association (AWA), American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham), Canadian Association of Singapore (CAS), and the Canadian Chamber of Commerce (CanCham).
Expat Living April 2023 Magazine
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