TAC Workplace Safety & Health - Meeting Minutes
Look of attackers and L -location of attackers. This info can also be sent to SGSecure app or i- Witness on the Police@SG app.
E) Safety Reminders a. AP once again reiterated on the following safety reminders: 1. All firefighting facilities, protection system, fire exits and exit routes must be free of obstruction; 2. Exit staircase and routes cannot be used for storage even on temporary basis; 3. At least 1.2m unobstructed passageway for exit routes; 4. Emergency exit doors cannot be locked. b. With STF reported as number one accident in Singapore and worldwide, AP emphasized on the danger of distracted walking. Teammembers are reminded to always work around having safety in mind - before, during and after any task and to always walk with caution. Likewise, report and address hazards immediately, to adhere to SOPs and not rush, to disinfect and sanitize and to ensure that FA items are intact. c. AP enjoined team leaders to include safety as agenda in planning and to review processes, layouts, and procedures to put safety considerations in place. DMs will continue to highlight safety concerns and urged team leaders’ cooperation in addressing the issues. Needless to say, non-compliance can result to hefty fines and imprisonment.
F) WSH Organization Chart
G) Other Matters a. Chair also addressed the safety of vendors and shared that he will be conducting RA Trainings and asked everyone especially the Youth Team to send as many representatives. More details to be shared in the next coming days.
Meeting adjourned at 3.46 pm. Recorded by: Rose Hebrona Vetted by: Anthony Pabalan Approved by: Nerang Mohammad
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