TAC Workplace Safety & Health - Meeting Minutes
has stressed again to adhere to earlier recommendations of conducting safety briefings, to not rush, always work safely and report hazards. b. Meanwhile, member related incidents tallied to 14 vs 15 PY. These involved Wallholla (4), sports injuries (4), health related (3) and STFs (3). It is recommended for coaches/teachers to conduct occasional safety briefings before lessons and to have hydration breaks to avoid similar occurrences. c. AP encouraged team members to join TeamWellness WhatsApp group to know about the latest teamwellness activities and visit WSH digital platforms such as the WSH e-book for various safety related materials as well as the QR code to facilitate timely and anonymous health hazards reporting. C) Team Wellness a. A total of 92 registrations for various team wellness activities were recorded YTD. Admin, Membership & Member Services as well as F&L and Youth were hailed as top three departments with highest participation. New events were also introduced such as Salsation Dance in October and Nirvana Fitness in November. b. Fitness Passport Challenge, held for the period 1 Aug to 30 Sep, in celebration of TAC’s 75 th anniversary, garnered a total of 158 passport submissions. The activity tallied 52 participants from various departments: Admin (21), F&B Service (11), F&B Kitchen (10), F&L (5), Membership/Member Services (4) and CSV (1). D) Emergency Procedures a. Emergency situations are categorized into a. Life-Threatening (involves unconsciousness, chest paints, difficulty in breathing, seizure/fits, major burns, allergic reactions and suspected spinal injury) and b. Non-life threatening (cuts/bruises, nose bleeds, sprains & strains, fractures, bites & stings, minor burns and nausea). In either case, team member dials “0” from any local line to reach the Front Desk to report the incident and call for help. b. What to do in case of emergency: 1. Stay calm and assess the victim’s condition; 2. Dial “0”, Front Desk picks up the call and asks 1. What is the emergency? 2. Where is your location? And 3. What is your name? FD will inform the DM, who then deploys lifeguard; 3. Return to the victim and inform that DM/help is on the way. If you are a first aider, give care to the victim; 4. Stay with the victim until DM arrives. If you are not giving aide, do not stay in the area and keep other staff members away from the area; 5. Incident report submission. c. These procedures/guidelines are displayed in all FA boxes around the club, the WSH bulletin boards as well as in various strategic staff areas. d. In the rare event of Firearms and Weapons attack, R un, H ide and T ell. Run away from danger, consider the safest route, move quickly and quietly, and insist others to leave with you. Hide if escape is not possible, lock yourself in but do not get trapped, move away from the doors and switch your phone to silent mode. Tell , call police at 999, SMS 71999 if not safe to talk, provide details about the attackers, T - total no. of attackers, E -equipment or weapons being carried, L -
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