TAC Workplace Safety & Health - Meeting Minutes

3. B) ACOP (Approved Code of Practice) – Code of Practice on Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Risk Management a. AP shared the following information as discussed from last week’s WSH Conference:

AP further shared that though fatalities were mainly in construction industry, we cannot be complacent as what could be a mere incident could lead to a fatality (cited a hotel incident that happened 4 years ago). The number of fatalities is very serious as this involves lives and families. ACOP also entails higher accountability on management for fines and non-compliance. AP further informed that Club should review work processes and to work with BizSafe vendors.

b. AP also discussed about ACOP principles as follows:

With the above principles, AP asked that Team leaders incorporate safety whenever possible during team briefings. Furthermore, principle 4 empowers staff to participate in WSH activities, allowing staff to speak out without being penalized.

c. Presently, below are the current WSH programs that the Club runs:


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