TAC Workplace Safety & Health - Meeting Minutes
WSH Quarterly 1 Minutes of Meeting Date: September 29, 2022
Time: 10 am Venue: Zoom
Attendees: Nerang Mohammad (NM) - Chair
Mylene Soh (MS)
Eleen Yap (EY)
Rick Coate (RC)
Mack Tan
Randy Lew
Anthony Pabalan (AP)
Simon Chelliah Juliany Kurnia
Kimberly Lim
Duxbury Low
Crystal Ng Mike Tan
Ronald Ho
Dan Durkin
Stanley Cornelius Annabelle Yong
Dennis Salao Fazimah Fazil
Stephen Chong Catherine Nicholls
Rose Hebrona
Absent with apologies Julie Zul Mark James
Record of Meeting:
S/N Item 1.
a. Chair called the meeting to order at 10.05am and welcomed Mylene, Stanley and Crystal to the WSH Committee. Chair then handed over to AP to discuss the meeting’s agenda. A) Club Incidents a. AP shared that the meeting was called to address WSH Council’s strong message on the alarming spike of workplace death incidents in SG, as discussed during the WSH Conference he attended last week. The Council called out the need for all team leaders to review processes and ensure that we operate in a safe environment and therefore eliminating further incidents. ACOP (Approved Code of Practice), which will take place in October, is WSH’s and MOM ’ s response to this alarming workplace deaths. b. Club incidents are still mostly comprised of Member incidents involving sports injuries (taekwondo, tennis & gym) and injuries that occurred outside the Club wherein first-aid were rendered. Cuts sustained from damaged Club furniture & equipment were also reported. AP requested for Team Leaders to review their respective outlets’ equipment & facilities prior to opening their outlets to identify any potential hazard/s. c. Meanwhile, staff incidents also recorded cuts resulting from hasty operations. Again, AP urged Team Leaders to allot time to inspect their working areas prior to start of operations. Health issues and injuries outside the club as well as slips, trips and falls (STF) also comprised the rest of staff incidents. AP further shared that STF is now the no.1 workplace incident in Singapore. Though harmless, this cannot be neglected as they cause long term injuries. d. In comparison from previous year, the incidents may be small in number, however, we may end up with the same level as last year ’s based from the projection. e. AP reminded everyone to look at our surroundings and address any hazards and not to rush and to think of safety all the time.
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