TAC Workplace Safety & Health - Meeting Minutes

b. Upcoming Events: Ø Fire Fighting practical at Rooftop on Feb 22 at 3pm. DM Palani extended the invite also to Admin staff, with 10 pax capacity for each of the two sessions. Ø First Aid Refresher, CPR & AED will resume in February. Ø WSH Exco meeting on Mar 29 at 10am, Admin Meeting Room. Ø JP Morgan Challenge (walk/run) on Apr 27 at 5pm, TBA. Ø Bomb Threat on Apr/May with CERT/Warden, no evacuation required. Ø Fire Drill in June/July. Ø GDX (Ground Deployment Exercise) with SPF from February to June. This will be conducted during Club’s closing period and assistance by DMs, Security, Housekeeping and Engineering may be required.


D. Other matters

a. WSH Awards • Care Awards (Culture, Acceptance, Respect and Empathy) • WSH Innovations award

AP shared that Committee is planning to apply for WSH Awards mentioned above. Preliminary reviews however showed that Club may not qualify due to the reported number of incidents (#<20). AP continued that Club will pursue to explore other awards such as BizSafe awards. He further stressed that the Club adopts a better reporting system that includes even minor injuries, caring for staff welfare utmost. Chair further concurred stating that Club aims for transparency and nurtures open communication rather than pursue these citations.

Meeting adjourned at 3.33 pm. Recorded by: Rose Hebrona Vetted by: Anthony Pabalan Approved by: Nerang Mohammad


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