TAC Workplace Safety & Health - Meeting Minutes
WSH Quarterly Minutes of Meeting Date: February 08, 2023 Time: 3pm Venue: Galbraith Ballroom
Attendees: Nerang Mohammad (NM) - Chair
Anthony Pabalan (AP)
Angie Ng (AN) Juliany Kurnia Kimberly Lim Benjamin Mah Fadhil Azmi Azlan Januir Lee Hon Boon S Kumaravelu Fazimah Fazil
Duxbury Low
Mylene Soh Michael Chia
Carere Kwan Fabian Chua
Mike Tan
Ananthi d/o Rajoo Greg Fasala Stephen Chong Tan Leng Chuan Abdul Bin Latip
Pradeep Pannirselvam
Shin Ling Ng
Jeff Tan
Felicia Kua
Rose Hebrona
Absent with apologies: Dan Durkin
Mack Tan Eleen Yap
Crystal Ng
Simon Chelliah
Record of Meeting: S/N Item 1.
a. Chair called the meeting to order at 3.03pm. Chair then handed over to AP to discuss the meeting’s agenda. A) Club Incidents a. AP reported that majority of Member incidents involved sports injury mostly happening at tennis courts. As the numbers are increasing, AP requested that F&L - Tennis Team, Greg as well as Deep/Youth to conduct occasional safety briefings prior to running their respective classes. b. Incidents involving pool gratings accounted at five for the last quarter also contributed to reported member incidents. The necessary safety precautions have already been put in place, such as replacement of all gratings around the pool area. A replacement plan of all gratings every few years is also being considered to better prevent potential accidents. c. Member’s underlying health conditions also added to the related member incident report. d. On the other hand, reported staff related incidents involved mostly slips, trips and falls (STF) and cuts by knife and other objects. AP pointed out that most of STF incidents were due to staff’s distracted walking and operations at their work areas while they are on their mobile phones. e. Based on projection, the Club seems to show a downward pattern. However, numbers are still estimated to end up at around 75+ incidents at the end of fiscal year, though staff incident is projected for a lower count. f. With this, AP urged everyone to always think safety and to address and report any potential concerns, especially those in their immediate surroundings. g. On Sick Leave Report, a total of 2,225 absences were reported for the calendar year. This equates to an estimate of six staff away from work. However, it was noted that there was significant improvement especially on MCs.
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