Marketing Excellence Awards 2020 - Celebrating Women in a Time


Places like The American Club Singapore exist because people want to make deep and lasting connections. We realized that that didn’t have to stop simply because our doors were closed. Our business has always been about connecting people, and we saw both a purpose and an oppor tunity in taking that online. After much consideration, we decided jointly to hold ‘Celebrating Women in a Time of Crisis and Adversity’ online on August 31, 2020. Our team had two primary goals. Firstly, we wanted to provide a platform where women could share the challenges they’d faced during the pandemic and reflect upon the hardships together. Second, we hoped to open an oppor tunity to bring our community together for much-needed intellectual stimulation and nourishment over universal issues. It was impor tant to us to give this event the pomp and circumstance it deserved, so our biggest challenge was making the vir tual ‘Celebrating Women in a Time of Crisis and Adversity’ feel as big and as live as possible. In addition, with so many esteemed guests with such busy schedules, coordinating a time that was convenient and manageable for everyone proved to be difficult. It was also a major shift for our team to organize and promote an event solely online.We had to make that shift rather quickly.

Excellence in Event Marketing (Virtual) | Celebrating Women in a Time of Crisis & Adversity


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