Magazine-Sep/Oct 2019
Over the past two years, callouts were received fromMembers to switch to more sustainable practices. The Club’s Strategic Planning Committee realized in early last year that The Club did not have a clear focus or plan around sustainability, even though ‘green’ practices have gained importance both at home and globally. The Sustainability Working Group (SWG) was thus established in 2018 to outline a strategy for enhancing The Club’s sustainability and reducing its ecological footprint. Initial work was done last year on creating an assessment of sustainability and environmental practices and processes at The Club, and under SWG’s leadership, a sustainability assessment of The Club was undertaken by a consultant over a two-week period in April. The assessment resulted in the formulation of 68 recommendations covering a broad range of issues including water and energy conservation, waste minimization, and the efficient use of materials and chemicals at The Club. With this in mind, a Green Team comprising TAC staff from key departments was formed over the summer, and kicked off with an inaugural meeting in late June. Over the past three months, the Green Team looked into the feasibility of implementing recommendations from the sustainability report. Some initiatives have already been implemented, while the majority of the recommendations are currently in progress. In the coming months, expect to see more of the following initiatives: • ‘Go Green’ posters and digital ads communicating green initiatives The Club has implemented (based on the sustainability recommendations report), or tips on sustainable living beyond Club life • Dedicated ‘Go Green’ e-newsletter • Features in The Club magazines • Green discussions on Facebook • Giveaways on Instagram that encourage Members to adopt sustainable lifestyles
22 TAC |
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