Magazine-Sep/Oct 2019
Stars n’ Stripes Summer Camp June 10 – August 9
Keep your eyes peeled for Stars n’ Stripes Fall Camp happening from October 14 - 25!
It wouldn’t be summer without daily jaunts to attractions all over Singapore! Our lucky campers had a ball of a time at Coney Island, became young zoologists at the Singapore Zoo and even went on a treasure hunt at Pulau Ubin. Our revamped camp program features community work, and Campers were taught empathy and how to care for the environment through activities such as cleaning up the beautiful beaches and distributing rations to the less fortunate.
Colonial Cup A big congratulations to our TAC golf team, who won the Championship this year with 12 of the 18 possible points on July 7 at Warren Golf & Country Club! The Colonial Cup is an annual golf competition between The American Club, The British Club, and The Tanglin Club and we’ll have the honor of hosting the tournament in 2020. Thank you to everyone who took part in the competition.
TAC Team: Scott Hamilton, Dominic Stekly, Peter Gibson, Jason McMenamin, Roger Kang, Piers Gorman, Bill Cornwell and Michael Hadley
6 TAC |
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