Magazine Mar-Apr 2019
THE QUAD F.A.Q We heard you! The Youth & Family committee has been working very closely with the Youth Team to look at some of the issues raised by Members since The Quad opened its doors to membership in early February. Here’s a compilation of the most frequently asked questions and our answers. Please feel free to let us know your suggestions or feedback via
*New* From Friday, Feb 22, 2019
Peak Fridays from 5:00 p.m. onwards, Saturdays, Sundays, Eve and Day of Public Holidays
$1.50 per 30 minutes / $3 per hour
$3.00 per 30 minutes / $6 per hour
The Quad Poolside Guest Fees $5 per 30 minutes
The Quad Guest Fees
$5 per 30 minutes
$2.50 per entry
$5 per entry
Wallholla Entry Requirement
6 years and above
5 years and above
All tokens will be converted to a value of 50 cents* each. Retrocade
50 cents per game
Tokens for The Quad Arcade $2 per game
Pac Man
50 cents per player
Mario Kart
$1 per player
$1 per game
I have two children. One is 7-years-old and the other is 5-years-old. Why can’t both of them be at The Quad unsupervised? The Quad at B1 is not a child-minding area and children who are in the space have to be able to play independently and interact with other kids. We have found that children 6 years and above are able to interact with other children and if staff need to intervene, they are receptive to explanations given when guided. Children 5-years-old and under require a little more attention and The Quad Poolside is a better fit. Why are arcade games chargeable? Three factors influence the decision to charge for arcade games: 1. Affords parents the opportunity to control and monitor their children’s usage. 2. Allows for equitable turn-taking among players. 3. Enables us to offer the latest greatest equipment by offsetting higher rental and maintenance costs. More details: 1. A call-out from many Members is the desire to have some oversight of their children’s access to gaming. Charging for arcades is in line with the charges which have always applied to other forms of gaming including computer usage, PS4, Xbox and now VR sets. Members also told us they prefer younger children have less or no access to gaming. Therefore the gaming area is in the older children’s (above 6 years) space on Level B1 and is not accessible for children under 6 without parental supervision.
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