The American Club Magazine - Summer 2021
We receive feedback from hundreds of our Members each month. Positive or constructive, your comments are important in helping us assess our services and offerings, and enable us to identify ways to better meet your needs. Read on for a selection of our most recent Member feedback.
FEEDBACK: We spent 20 minutes in the queue just to get a cup of coffee. The waiting time is completely unacceptable and this isn’t good enough for a Club standard. Please do something about it. RESPONSE: Thank you for writing in about the long lines. We hear you! You can now skip the lines and get your caffeine fix fixed (pun intended) pronto with our new weekend (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) Coffee Cart from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
We need YOUR help to keep OUR Club safe View the full list of our Safe Management Measures on our website.
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We want to hear from you! Your comments may be published in subsequent issues of our magazine.
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