The American Club Magazine - Summer 2021
LOOKING BACK Though many of us would probably prefer not to look back at 2020, surprisingly we still managed to have some positive wins! We launched the HEAL Speaker Series and kicked off the first (and only) in-person event, presentation, and Q&A with Dr. Steven Tucker (oncologist), who covered the basics of nutrition at the Nutrition 101 event in Februar y 2020. With more Members attending the event than we had expected, we felt encouraged to continue. However, given the pandemic, we did as the rest of the world did, and moved the subsequent events online with Zoom – one even while we were locked down during Circuit Breaker! In case you missed them, the topics were: • Gluten Free & Celiac (May 2020) "Ask Me Anything" panel discussion with Dr. Brian Schwender (gastroenterologist), Bridget Marr (dietician), Karen Horan (celiac advocate) and Dr. Steven Tucker in May 2020 • Pandemic Parenting: Kids, Teens & Zoom (September 2020) presentation and Q&A with Dr. Roby Marcou (behavioral pediatrician) and Dr. Steven Tucker • Fasting For Health (November 2020) "Ask Me Anything" panel discussion with Kar thika Thirugannan (dietician), Nadesh Rathakrishnan (TAC trainer), Nasir Kausar (fasting advocate) and Dr. Steven Tucker And in 2021, we’ve hosted the following webinars (so far): • Personalized Nutrition (February 2021) presentation and Q&A with Dr. Steven Tucker, Kelly Tan Peterson (nutritionist and Keto coach), Riyana Rupani (nutritionist and Whole30 coach) and Matt Dear th (Keto advocate) • The True Cost of our Food Choices on our Health and Planet (April 2021) presentation and Q&A with filmmaker Rebecca Cappelli (sustainability & plant-based exper t) In conjunction with the events and webinars, you may have also noticed a shift in some of the food as well – which aligns the food offerings at The Club with Members’ feedback from our HEAL sur vey in 2019. We have elevated the vegetarian and vegan dishes at many of the outlets, the ever- popular freshly prepared salad bowls were brought back at Central, and there are now more options and alternatives to starchy carbohydrates for those following a low-carb and/or Keto diet. Additionally, the F&B team have done an excellent job with their continuous improvement plans – significantly improving the food quality – by ar tisanally making many more dishes in-house such as the pickles, cheese sauces, chia pudding and so much more! A quick list of some of the things we’ve worked on over the last year: • Reduced sugar in the smoothies at Central & Tradewinds • Introduction of Bulletproof Coffee at Central
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