The American Club 2020/2021 Annual Report
9. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT (cont’d) The Club appointed a professional independent appraiser to assess the current market value of the land and building at 10 Claymore Hill, Singapore 229573. The valuation was based on cost method, comprising 2 components; value of land and value of improvement erected thereon. Value of land is then assessed based on a combination of market comparison method and residual method. The report, dated 24 July 2015, reflects the following valuation:
Land value
Building value : $32,000,000 The assets will remain stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses. Freehold land has an unlimited useful life and therefore is not depreciated.
2021 $
2020 $
Quoted mutual funds (i)
Fixed income (ii)
1 16,406
Alternative investments
5 ,588
9, 2 1 1
2 ,345,537
9, 2 1 1
(i) The Club has invested in portfolio of listed shares exchange traded funds.
(ii) The investment in listed corporate bond issued by Emaar Sukuk Limited and MARB Bondco PLC are paying 3.7% and 3.95% of interest per annum respectively and the bonds will mature on 6 July 2031 and 29 January 2031 respectively. At maturity, the Club will receive total nominal amount of US$88,000. The corporate bonds are held by the Club within a business model whose objective is both to collect their contractual cash flows which are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding and to sell these financial assets. Hence, the corporate bonds are classified as at FVTOCI.See below for impairment assessment. The fair value of the financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income is disclosed in Note 4(b)(vi). Impairment of financial assets For the purposes of impairment assessment, the corporate bonds are considered to have low credit risk as the counter parties to these investments have a minimum BB - credit rating. Accordingly, for the purpose of impairment assessment for these financial assets, the loss allowance is measured at an amount equal to 12-month ECL. In determining the expected credit losses for these assets, General Committee has taken into account the historical default experience, the financial position of the counterparties, as well as the future prospects of the industries in which the issuers of the corporate bonds from economic expert reports, financial analyst reports and considering various external sources of actual and forecast economic information, as appropriate, in estimating the probability of default of each of these financial assets occurring within their respective loss assessment time horizon, as well as the loss upon default in each case. There has been no change in the estimation technique or significant assumptions made during the current reporting period in assessing the loss allowance of these financial assets.
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