The American Club 2019/2020 Annual Report
In FY20 we were able to build upon the efforts of The Green Team, which was established at the endof FY19. The team ismade upof Management staff from Facilities, Housekeeping, Engineering, Marketing Communications, Food & Beverage, and Fitness & Leisure departments. Throughout the year, The Green Team worked hand-in-hand with the Sustainability Working Group and our external consultant to improve The Club’s sustainability efforts. Through our efforts, we have achieved energy savings of $30,021 as of end March 2020 (before circuit breaker), and energy savings of $176,964 as of end June 2020 (inclusive of circuit breaker period), reduced general waste by 5,943kg in FY20, increased sustainability awareness within
The Club community, and gradually introduced more sustainable products and incentives, such as: • Replacing all straws at Food and Beverage outlets with biodegradable straws in individual paper packaging. This allows Members to return straws easily without compromising hygiene standards, if they choose not to use a straw. • B.Y.O.B.: Members who bring their own cups for dine-in or takeaway at Central enjoy $1 off their beverages. • The Housekeeping department has switched to bulk purchase of liquid detergent, and plastic bottles are returned to the supplier for recycling when supply runs out.
Since The Club embarked on an ambitious Go Green project in June 2019, we have made great strides in reducing our carbon footprint!
Installation of water bottle fountains at the Gym, Pilates Studio, Squash Courts and The Quad
Bulk purchase of window cleaners, disinfectant and hand soap Eliminated 588 plastic bottles Eliminated 144 metal cans Cost savings of $1,478
Switching off decorative water jets in the toddler’s pool during non-peak hours
Installation of fans to reduce loss of air-conditioned air in the Aquatics Office Electricity savings of 16,632Kwh Equivalent to the amount of water 39 four-room
Swapping fluorescent light bulbs to LED light bulbs Electricity savings of 63,610Kwh Equivalent to the amount of electricity 15 four-room
Reduced output of inefficient taps and spray nozzles Water savings of 7,455m 3 Equivalent to the amount of water 39 four-room public housing flats consume per year Cost savings of $25,743
Eliminated 3,120 1-gallon plastic water bottles
Electricity and water savings of
Removal of plastic bin liners Eliminated 36,000 plastic bin liners Cost savings of $1,440
Swapping wrapped Biscoff cookies to tea cookies for beverage purchases at Central Eliminated 59,688 plastic wrappers
24,360Kwh Equivalent to the amount of electricity and water five four-room public housing flats consume per year
Eliminated 41,160 plastic cups
public housing flats consume per year
public housing flats consume per year
Cost savings of $120
Cost savings of $8,060
Cost savings of $2,442
Cost savings of $12,015
Infographic extracted from Club Magazine, Summer 2020 edition
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