The Amercian Club - Summer Magazine 2022
A Step in the Right Direction
Team Members step up to achieve better health through the National Steps Challenge.
K eeping fit or being active can be daunting, especial ly when we l ive in such a fast paced society, with work, fami ly and other commitments taking up much of our time. However, studies have shown that even smal l increments of physical activity can lead to significant health improvements. According to the Health Promotion Board, for a sedentar y adult, walking the recommended 7,500 to 10,000 steps dai ly can help lower high blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels, and improve glucose control . To nudge Singaporeans to walk more, the Health Promotion Board introduced the National Steps Chal lenge in 2015 to
encourage people to lead a more active l ifestyle by taking more steps, and rewarding them with voucher s for hitting their dai ly target. Dur ing a recent health sur vey and screening conducted by the Club for its Team Member s, results showed that many Team Member s suffered from high cholesterol and high blood pressure. In response to this, Team Wel lness was formed with the aim of enhancing the health and wel l-being of Team Member s and to bui ld camarader ie through initiatives such as fitness activities, health talks and screening, and mental wel lness programs.
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