The Amercian Club - Summer Magazine 2022
EAGLE Fund 2022 Building a community of support - through the best and worst of times.
Families help each other when times are tough, and The American Club family is no different. In 2015, Club Members raised the idea of an employee relief fund to helpTeam Members in times of hardships and emergencies. Originally known as the Emergency & Education Fund, a formal proposal was put forward to the General Committee and was approved shor tly after to which is now known as the EAGLE (Emergency Access Grant for Club Employees) Fund. Over the years, the EAGLE Fund has helped numerous Team Members alleviate their financial burdens arising from mounting hospitalization bills to homes being destroyed by flash floods, among others. This year, the Aquatics team kicked off the annual EAGLE Fund fundraiser with a Swim- a-thon. 12 teams with a total of 72 swimmers c a m e t o g e t h e r o n a s u n n y S u n d a y i n Februar y to complete their goal of swimming 74 laps per team in a n h o u r. Memb e r s showed their suppor t by sponsoring their favorite swim teams. Team Gold Stripes Aquatics Swim-a-thon Goes SwimminglyWell
They star ted bright and early at 8:30 a.m. in the morning, spor ting their “EAGLE Fund Suppor ter” swimming caps, and swam their hear ts out. Another first this year, the teams in each category that raised the most amount of money would have their names inscribed onto the EAGLE Fund Shield to be proudly displayed at the Pool.With this incentive in mind, the heat was on. All six teams managed to complete the 74 laps in under an hour and collectively raised an outstanding $6,215, with Team Gold Stripes raising the most money - $1,450 – and securing their place on the Shield.
The main event star ted at 10:30 a.m., with the Masters SwimTeam taking to the waters. Members’ favorites Team Wonder Women and Team Top Gun made a comeback this year, along with a
Team Abdul
few new faces such as Team Spice Girls and Team Shaken Not Stirred. We also saw Team Abdul and Team Fasala par ticipating again this year. The competition heated up as the Masters swimmers went head on to see which team could complete the laps in the shor test time.Team Top Gun emerged victorious, and managed to retain the title of “Fastest SwimTeam” from the last Swim-a-thon. Not too far off from the Junior and Senior swim squads, the Masters Swim Team raised a total of $6,720, with Team Abdul raising the most money - $1,650 – and
For the first time in the history of EAGLE Fund, both the Junior and Senior swim squads par ticipated in this event together.
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