TAC Workplace Safety & Health - Safety Resources



Set a date and time to stop Set a date and time to stop and carry on smoking as usual right up to that time – don’t try to cut down beforehand, that just makes cigarettes seem more precious rather than less so.

Look forward to a healthy life

When you stop smoking, you not only make positive gains in your health and energy, but also in your conf idence, self-respect, freedom, and most important of all, the length and quality of your life.

TOP 10

Avoid substitutes Substitutes that contain nicotine such as e-cigarettes or Nicotine Replacement Therapy such as patches, gums, nasal sprays and inhalators are unhelpful as they simply keep the addiction to nicotine alive. 8 5 Socialize as normal Do not try and avoid smoking situations or opt out of life. Go out and enjoy social occasions. If you're offered a cigarette, just say "No thanks, I don't smoke", rather than explain how long it has been since you stopped. HOWTO QUIT SMOKING TIPS ON



Be cool about withdrawal

Have a final cigarette

Light your f inal cigarette and promise yourself that whatever highs and lows you experience in life, you will never puff on another cigarette again.

The physical withdrawal is very slight and passes quickly. Your body will continue to withdraw from nicotine for a few days but that doesn’t mean you have to be miserable or crave cigarettes.



There’s no such thing as “just one” cigarette after you quit smoking Never be fooled into thinking you can have the odd cigarette just to be sociable or just to get over a diff icult moment. If you do, you’ll f ind yourself back in the trap in no time at all.

It's OK to think about smoking

Make sure that you're thinking "Isn't it great that I don't need to smoke anymore. Yippee, I'm a non-smoker!" instead of "I want a cigarette but can't have one".



Enjoy your freedom Life will soon go back to normal as a non-smoker but be on your guard not to fall back into the trap. If your brain ever starts playing tricks on you by thinking “Just one cigarette”, remember there is no such thing.

Ditch your cigarettes

Do not keep cigarettes on you or anywhere near you. If you do, it means you're doubting your decision. Non-smokers do not need cigarettes.


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