TAC Workplace Safety & Health - Meeting Minutes
d. TAC 74 th Birthday bash. AP congratulated all staff involved with the event, acknowledging Fadhil for working with DMs, Security and Abdul in safety planning and incorporating safety throughout the event. He further expressed that this is what we would like to see in our workplace. AP also lauded Zack in engaging WSH Committee to ensure that they ran their recent event with safety measures in place.
a. AP stressed on the timely reporting of incidents and highlighted that staff do not report to work if unwell and on MCs. b. On First Aid boxes, AP asked that outlets look into the expiry dates of the items and make sure that items are sufficient for operations. c. Mylene asked how often meetings are conducted. AP said EXCO are on monthly basis, while the WSH Committee is quarterly. This quarterly meeting would’ve been in October except that ACOP matters need to be addressed urgently. d. Mylene also suggested that HODs should cascade this information during their department meetings to make it more impactful, stressing the importance of workplace safety. She also recommended the physical distribution of this info by HODs for those staff who doesn’t have access to digital info. e. AP thanked Mylene for echoing the essence of ACOP and once again expressed that this should be part of every team meeting’s agenda. AP also shared that posters are displayed in strategic places around the club for staff awareness on the various WSH programs as well as safety reminders especially for the elderlies. f. Mylene expressed PDs full support and participation in the upcoming WSH programs. g. In conclusion, Chair thanked AP for a very informative sharing, and everyone for their attendance and support.
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