TAC Workplace Safety & Health - Meeting Minutes

WSH Monthly Exco Minutes of Meeting Date: October 27, 2022

Time: 10 am Venue: Zoom

Attendees: Nerang Mohammad (NM) - Chair

Mylene Soh (MS)

Eleen Yap (EY) Mark James (MJ)

Rick Coate (RC)

Dan Durkin

Anthony Pabalan (AP)


Zaid Irdis

Rose Hebrona

Record of Meeting:

S/N Item 1.

a. Chair called the meeting to order at 10.06am. During pre-meeting discussion, it was suggested to include Fadhil in the WSH Org chart as Admin In-charge. RC also suggested for the next WSH meeting to be in person. Chair then handed over to AP to discuss the meeting’s agenda. A) Club Incidents a. For the past four months July to October, Member incidents mainly involved sports injuries from taekwondo and tennis. There were also (2) minor incidents reported at the Wallholla. b. Staff incidents on the other hand involved slips, trips and falls (STF) as well as minor cuts whereby team members are rushing and injured themselves. c. Overall, there was little progress, and the projection indicates that we might reach the same level as previous year. AP stressed the need for team members to always be cautious of our surroundings, address any potential hazards, and never haste. d. Moreover, based on the updated Sick Leave Report for the calendar year, a total of 1,895 records of paid medical and hospital leaves (including Covid quarantine) as well as work injuries were reported. Although there is no direct comparison on this data pre-Covid, this numbers roughly equates to five or more employees not working. e. AP also shared the data on Work Injury Report, which showed that 43 days in total of staff absences from work-related injuries were reported to WICA for the calendar year to date. B) Team Wellness/WSH Initiatives a. AP shared the chart for Team Wellness participation from all outlets for the period July to October 2022. Highest participation was from Accounts, followed by Front Office and Membership. For the October events, highest participation was from Bowling and Fire-fighting exercise. More fire-fighting and first-aid refresher trainings are coming in the next few months and participants for these exercises will be included in the lucky draws as well.




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