TAC Workplace Safety & Health - Meeting Minutes

WSH Monthly Exco Minutes of Meeting Date: November 30, 2022 Time: 10 am Venue: Boardroom, Thinkspace

Attendees: Nerang Mohammad (NM) - Chair

Anthony Pabalan (AP)

Rick Coate (RC) Zarina Ismail

Angie Ng (AN)

Dan Durkin (DD)


Janice Lin

Zaid Idris

Rose Hebrona

Absent with apologies: Mark James

Record of Meeting:

S/N Item 1.

a. Chair called the meeting to order at 10.05am. Chair then handed over to AP to discuss the meeting’s agenda. A) Club Incidents a. For fiscal year to date, October has the highest number of incidents reported with a total of 14. As for November, Member incidents mainly involved sports injuries happening in the tennis courts and at quads. AP suggested for coaches to conduct safety briefings and reminders especially to children, occasionally. RC said rate is pretty low compared to the amount of activities Club conducts, however WSH aims for “zero incident”. b. Few incidents involving the pool gratings were also reported. As the gratings were plastic, they have become brittle and breaks when stepped on. With this, NM recommended for CAPEX to change the gratings every three years and to have regular inspection. NM said they are getting thicker gratings, further to ANs suggestion on getting better quality. DD also suggested for concrete gratings instead of plastic which is being considered as per NM, though costly. As of the moment, immediate remedy is to replace all gratings which NM and MJ are currently looking into. c. Health conditions also added to member related incident report which are beyond Club’s controls. d. Staff incident on the other hand recorded only 1 minor incident involving STF which is the trending incident currently. AP also mentioned a recent incident which involved a staff using his phone while taking the staircase. This will be highlighted in next month’s campaign. e. Overall and based on projection, Club may wind up with a higher rate by end of FY compared to previous year. However, there is n’t a precise comparison vs pre-Covid, and that Club has better reporting system this year as well. Additionally, majority of incidents involved members while staff related incidents, which WSH focuses on, is still good as it is below industry trend. The Club also reports comprehensively and holistically, including both members and staff, thus the high number. In summary, Club is doing well as we only have minor incidents reported and that any trending incidents will be raised immediately. f. For the Sick Leave Report on paid medical, hospitalization and work injury, updated data for November on average reported a significant improvement compared to January to October of



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