TAC Workplace Safety & Health - Meeting Decks



o All Fire Fighting Facilities, Protection System, Fire Exits and Escape Routes must be free of obstruction o At least 1.2m unobstructed passageway for exit routes o Exit staircase cannot be used for storage even on a temporary basis o Emergency Exit Doors cannot be lockedFire Hose reels, Fire Extinguishers, Emergency Comms Systems, Alarm Panels, FSS should be free of obstruction



When planning, include Safety as part of the agenda. Review our processes, layouts and procedures and put these considerations in place…

Bad things happened and in the past and these regulations will prevent such disasters from happening

Non-compliance can lead to hefty fines and imprisonment. These regulations are not created out of vanity. It is about saving lives, including yours…

DMs will continue highlight Safety concerns and we need your cooperation in addressing the issues



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