Nov-Dec-Jan Magazine
Dear Members, Summer is quickly approaching, and even though the weather is always warm here in Singapore, the long break is enough to conjure happy memories of splashing about in the pool, grilling in the backyard and hanging out with friends having fun. When I think back to the time when my family joined The Club 17 years ago, we were living in a condo with all the typical conveniences of condo life – pool, gym and a ready- made community (although not a predominantly American one).While we have since moved to a landed proper ty with more space for our daughter and our dog, I’m glad that having a Club membership means I don’t have to forgo the comfor ts I’ve grown accustomed. What we got out of our membership was more than we expected. Beyond our daughter learning to swim here, and my wife finding her tribe through the Pilates classes, I also developed a swim routine here, found fellow beer lovers in the Union Bar, and became a par t of the larger American framework. This includes ser ving on the board of the Singapore American School and the American Chamber of Commerce. Throughout these years, the pool has been the hear tbeat of The Club. From pool par ties, swim lessons, quick dips after happy hour and meals, Club life cer tainly revolves around the pool. Under the guidance of Greg Fasala, our Aquatics Head Coach and former Olympiad winner, our swim program has quickly grown in interest and quality. The program ser ves our youngest swimmers to the oldest, in addition to water safety programs for the helpers. I believe I speak for all Members in our appreciation of the lifeguards who are constantly patrolling the pools and ensuring our children and Members are safe at all times, whether during lessons or play time. My own technique has improved under Greg’s tutelage; I swim at the Masters Swim Sessions early Tuesday and Thursday mornings. It’s a great workout and I feel refreshed
the rest of the day. I’ve also enjoyed the recent swim meets; it’s hear tening to see our young swimmers graduate from being tentative in the water to competitive swimmers who do The Club proud. Besides swimming, I also love heading to the pool area on Friday evenings to grab a TAC70 beer. Many Members gather in the evenings for some wine or tacos, and I love seeing so many familiar faces. In fact, most afternoons I can find Members post tennis lessons, after dropping their kids off at taekwondo, or before a Committee Meeting, enjoying an iced tea, a salad or some of our scrumptious brisket. With the opening of Tradewinds, it won’t be long before we have a nice flow – step into the Lobby, have a bite at Tradewinds or Central while overlooking the excitement at the pool, walk past the pool deck and straight to the Scotts Road building, which houses sên Spa, The Quad and our temporar y Gym. The Claymore entrance already looks drastically different, and I’m sure The Club will continue to evolve in the remaining months of redevelopment. The summer months will also see extensive work on the Gym and The Gourmet Pantr y. While we can’t wait for redevelopment to be completed, The Club is still abuzz with tons of activities. Never fear if you’re in Singapore over the summer holiday – we have lots going on at the pool and beyond. Check out our TAC Summer Guide on page 12 - we will make sure those dog days of summer fly by! Best Regards,
Devin Otto Kimble
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