Marketing Excellence Awards 2020 - Celebrating Women in a Time

PERFORMANCE ‘CelebratingWomen in aTime of Crisis andAdversity’ offered attendees a unique oppor tunity to see powerful, prestigious women open up and be vulnerable about their own personal experiences during difficult times. This allowed everyone to spend time interacting with some of their real-life stories from the COVID-19 crisis; a depar ture from the bigger stories of industry and politics that have previously dominated conversations. More than 160 par ticipants logged into the event. This not only exceeded our expectations, but it far surpassed attendance records for any online event. In addition, the majority of attendees stayed logged in for the entire event. What this says is that the evening was engaging, fulfilling, and satisfying for our attendees. Another measure of success was the success of capturing the feeling of a live event. We knew that a standard Zoom meeting would be boring for attendees, so we made sure to follow a set schedule and include the live performance from all-girls-choir,The Pitches. Not only did this generate excitement in the atmosphere, it also gave the cause of celebrating women the respect we felt it deserved.

But the final, and perhaps most impor tant measure of success is the sense of community and togetherness that was created during the event. This year has been a tremendous challenge for people everywhere. While measures like the Circuit Breaker were necessary to limit the spread of disease, it isolated us from our communities.This discussion gave attendees an oppor tunity to come together for the kind of stimulating and, at times, deeply emotional conversations that they had been missing. It is our strong belief that ‘Celebrating Women in a Time of Crisis and Adversity’ qualifies for the ‘Excellence in Event Marketing (Vir tual)’ Award because of the overall success of the event - both in terms of the number of par ticipants who attended and the quality of the event itself. In addition, the amount of coordination with our sister organizations is a perfect example of using collective resources to maximize one’s marketing reach. We are proud of this event and our ability to bring so many people together in a safe, nur turing space in which people could tell their stories, come together, and feel just a little less alone.

Excellence in Event Marketing (Virtual) | Celebrating Women in a Time of Crisis & Adversity


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