Magazine Sep/Oct 2018
Members enjoy a free one-week LCD display (Lobby), when you sign up for a full page magazine ad. Limited Time Only
N A V Y B A L L 2 0 1 8 243RD U . S . NAVY B I RTHDAY
GIVE YOUR MARKETING A BOOST Advertise with us and extend your reach.
O C T O B E R 2 0 T H , 2 0 1 8 R I T Z - C A R L T O N , M I L L E N I A S I N G A P O R E 6 . 0 0 P M - 1 2 . 0 0 A M
LCD Lobby: $200 per week Thinkspace: $200 per week Youth: $200 per week Website Banner: $200 per week Flyer Display Concierge Desk: $200 per week Thinkspace: $200 per week
Magazine Run-off page Double page spread: $2,750 Full page: $1,540 Half page: $770 Quarter page: $385 Specified page: additional 10% Flyer Insertion: $1,540 EDM 1 Banner: $500 4 Banners: $1,600
EARLY B I RD PR I CE S T I L L JULY 3 1 , 20 1 8 Navy League Council Member SGD 210.00 General Public SGD 320.00
*prices are exclusive of 7% GST
Navy League Council Member SGD 225.00 General Public SGD 335.00
Want your ad to stand out? Contact our Graphics team at for an appointment now! 20% off design services for
Navy League Council Member rates are applicable to : Navy League Council Members, U.S. Embassy, Civil Servant & Community Affiliates
Join the Navy League to enjoy the member's rate
Members when you book an ad with us.
For more details or sales of tickets, please email:
For more information or to make a booking, contact us at
We Want Your Memorabilia!
A new history wall will soon be unveiled at our new clubhouse, and will feature images, collections and memories of The Club from years past. If you have any old items relating to The Club – such as old photographs, collectibles (e.g. mugs, photo frames, souvenirs, etc.), uniforms, membership cards, documents, publications, or any other Club memorabilia that you would like to contribute to our history display, please drop them off at the Concierge before December 1. We want to showcase them!
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