Magazine Sep/Oct 2018
GOOD HABITS FOR LIFE By Khairul, personal trainer
For many of us, the concept of being healthy – eating clean, getting in shape and adopting a healthy lifestyle – can seem daunting.
Rather than taking gradual, incremental steps towards their health and fitness goals, many weight watchers attempt a complete and/or drastic overhaul. Going from zero activity to running 10 miles a day while cutting out carbs and eating only vegetables just isn’t sustainable – both mentally and physically! Sooner or later, these well-
intentioned individuals are likely to fall off the wagon due to stress/exhaustion, slipping back into their old habits, and losing motivation in the process. Habits, good or bad, can define a person’s life. Notwithstanding medical or hereditary issues, the difference between a fit and healthy individual and an overweight one, oftentimes lies in the former cultivating and consistently practicing good habits, while the latter keeps up bad habits. A habit takes about three weeks to kick in – try running two miles a day for three weeks everyday consistently. Then try to cut down on simple carbohydrates and opt instead for complex carbohydrates for the next three weeks, while continuing with the daily two-mile runs. By building on good habits slowly and steadily, they become ingrained in your lifestyle and you’ll find losing weight or getting healthier easier to achieve over time. A crash diet or boot camp style workout will only be effective in the short term, and the weight will probably come back once you lose momentum. Train hard, train smart, and keep up the good habits for a healthy mind and body.
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