Magazine Sep/Oct 2018
SAFETY AT THE CLUB Of our three core values, Safety takes overarching priority in The Club’s daily operations. A lot goes on behind the scenes when it comes to ensuring the safety of our Members, guests and staff. Besides routine checks, numerous safety measures and initiatives are also implemented to ensure team members stay up to date and knowledgeable about safety protocols. • FIRST AID & CPR The Club has 114 certified first aiders, the majority of whom are frontline, Member-facing staff. Of this group, 24 individuals are identified as First Responders. Assigned specific roles, First Responders provide immediate attention during emergencies and life-threatening situations. • FIRE DRILLS The Club conducts regular fire drills, both internally and in conjunction with the Singapore Civil Defence Force. These drills ensure that our staff are familiar with evacuation points, know how to react in cases of fires, bomb threats and other dangerous situations, and ensures the effectiveness of our Crisis Management Team in emergency response and incident management. • EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN SAFETY MEETINGS Routine Emergency Response Plan Safety Meetings are also organized for staff to enhance emergency response awareness and knowledge of procedures among team members. INNOVATION FOR EFFICIENCY In today’s fast-changing digital and technological landscape, innovation is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. With this in mind, The Club has embarked on several digital initiatives to improve the efficiency of services, streamline workflow across outlets, and more importantly, allow our staff to focus on the things that really matter – engaging with Members and providing a pleasant Member experience. Read on about some of our recent enhancements. • THINKSPACE DOOR SYSTEM A new digital door system was installed at the four meeting rooms and Boardroom in Thinkspace, eliminating the need for staff to manually check Members in. This upgrade has not only accorded more convenience to Members – who simply have to tap their cards to access the rooms, but also enabled our team to easily track bookings, freed up their time to provide other Member-facing services, as well as provides usage data – which helps us to plan better services. • GRILLHOUSE & CENTRAL ORDERING QUEUE SYSTEM While food and wait service take center-stage in a dine-in setting, what guests don’t often see is the flurry of activity happening behind the scenes during busy mealtimes. To ensure service remains swift, a new ordering queue system was set up at Grillhouse & Central, allowing our team a bird’s eye view of upcoming and current orders, reducing paper usage (with orders sent to the kitchen digitally), and streamlining the ordering process for a more efficient kitchen.
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