Magazine Sep-Oct 2016
I recently came across an interesting quote on the wallpaper of a quirky hotel I had spent a few days at in Amsterdam. In essence, it said, “Problems are nothing more than opportunities.” The phrase stuck with me for some reason and, as I pondered it over the next few days, I couldn’t help but reflect upon both its truth and its ambiguity. Indeed, one person’s problem is often another person’s opportunity to provide a solution. With this in mind, and at what I have to say is one of the most challenging periods of the redevelopment project thus far, I’d like to thank numerous, almost countless, Members of The Club for stepping up to provide their time, talents and thoughts selflessly, freely, and without any expectation of compensation or recognition. I am particularly thankful to those who’ve cooperatively and openly challenged the team when they, based on their experience, think we’re about to walk off a cliff. Conflict in those situations, managed openly through debate and with mutual respect, should after all result in better solutions and is something to be sought out, not avoided. And that is exactly what we’ve tried to do with the 16 focus group sessions we’ve had, the many surveys we’ve run, and the sometimes seemingly endless Design Review Committee (DRC), Project Control Group (PCG), and General Committee (GC) meetings we’ve held for the project. Through these mechanisms we’ve gotten a lot of information. And now, going back to my statement about being in the middle of a challenging period, we are continuing to act upon it. One of the biggest struggles with a project of this nature is the endless possibilities it presents. We could, for example, have decided to build a five-story building on Scott’s Road, tear down the Claymore building, and put in a parking lot…although I doubt even that would have ended complaints about parking (that’s a joke). Alternatively we could have (and did) consider leaving things largely as they are, but instead, decided on something different – building a flatter building with pools on the roof. But now comes the hard part: the details. This is where the hardest work and the most debate will
come into play as everyone will have an opinion that we (the GC and volunteers leading this effort as well as the professional consultants we’re working with) will sort through and compile, knowing full well that it’s impossible to please every Member about every aspect of the project. This is not to say that we won’t do our very best; it’s simply a reflection of the fact that satisfying everyone and fulfilling everyone’s objectives, dreams, and subjective desires about each facet of the project is just impossible. Indeed what we are ultimately trying to do is to create a facility together that meets the majority of Members’ needs and desires in as many areas as possible. So, where are we and what happens next? In August, we finished the schematic design for the project.* Many Member volunteers, committee members, management, and our consultants were meeting throughout the summer to finesse and finalize this phase of the project. The schematic design moves us from the master plan (which designates the location of outlets without any design detail) to more detailed room layouts that include indicative furniture arrangements. You will see restroom layouts identifying the number of toilets, showers, and changing rooms being provided, as well as the number of rooms and their functional layouts within the spa, youth, and gym areas. You will not, however, see the colors of the chairs or even their styling yet. That part is yet to come. The GC met in August to consider and approve the schematic design. We expect to share this design with Members in Town Halls at the end of August/early September. It will also be available to all Members for viewing at The Club and via the redevelopment e-blast. With this complete, the development will then move to detailed design planning where committees begin to talk about finishes, floor treatments, wall coverings and the like. Once that is complete, months from now, The Club will move into the interior design of the spaces.
In tandem with the development of the detailed design we continue to prepare for Phase 2 of the redevelopment
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