Magazine Sep-Oct 2016
The American Club Annual General Meeting 2016 Let your voice be heard. Join us at our Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, November 9. The AGM provides Eligible Members with an opportunity to vote six Members on to the General Committee for a two-year tenure, approve and/or ask questions about the Audited Accounts for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2016, as well as appoint The Club’s Auditors for the next twelve months. Voting and discussions will also take place on any other business that is properly presented as prescribed by the Constitution. This year, we have several proposed constitutional changes as recommended by the Rules Committee and approved by the General Committee. There will also be an update about the Redevelopment project.
All Members (voting and non-voting) are encouraged to attend.
Wednesday, November 9 Hollandse Club 22 Camden Park, Singapore 299814 Registration begins at 7:00 p.m. Meeting commences at 7:30 p.m. sharp
Light refreshments will be provided. Limited complimentary parking is available.
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