Magazine-Mar to April 2017
Plann i ng A Bi g Par ty? C E L E B R A T I O N S • M E E T I N G S • G A T H E R I N G S
Whether you’re holding a get-together to celebrate a special event or occasion with family, friends, or associates, our Off-Premise Catering Team is able to assist you with great food and personalized service for any event all year round. We provide a variety of menu options, Delivery Service and Takeaway Orders. Call us today at 6739-4394 / 417 , email or visit our website for more details.
'Ou t of the Box ' Boxed Lunches Perfect for picnics or a hectic day of meetings,
our 'Out of the Box' Boxed Lunches offer a healthy mix of food packed conveniently in a box. Choose from a variety of sandwiches, side dish, dessert & whole fruit. Free delivery is available for orders of 20 boxes and above.
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