Magazine-Mar to April 2017
If you’ve read Scott’s message in the prior pages you’ll know that he and his wife, Sondra, are heading back home to the US. While this is a wonderful professional opportunity for him (not to mention he’ll be closer to his children Corbin and Corrine), it also means The Club community loses a truly exceptional and dedicated leader. There have been many articles written about the ‘power of volunteerism’, and Scott has been a shining example of each and every one of those outcomes. Never harboring a personal agenda, he has, in his role as President, consistently been driven by his values chief to The Club – Safety, Respect and Integrity. His contributions have been outstanding on many levels, the most evident of which, was his passion for The Redevelopment Project and his drive to future-proof The Club and transform it into an efficient and effective clubhouse for current and future generations of Members and staff alike. Internally, his connection to the staff community has been second to none. Be it attending staff weddings and funerals, Annual Dinner & Dance events, or staff gatherings to assure the team of job security throughout the Redevelopment, Scott has demonstrated on numerous occasions his commitment to the employees, and in the process forged many robust bonds over the years. Even after his children left Singapore years ago, he (and Sondra) continued to be motivated by the well-being of his fellow Members, staff and their families.
Scott addressing staff at the 2016 Staff Fun Day
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