Magazine Jul/Aug 2016

impact of skills required to help ensure they excel in the classroom. This begins with SMART Steps at age 2, a highly respected program designed to enhance key movement patterns essential for successful body and brain development. Progression to the Perceptual Motor Program at age 3 further develops fundamental skills essential to classroom success.

1st and only school to offer Mandarin or Spanish, with Daily and Bilingual Programs from age 2 We believe that being multilingual is a key element of global citizenship. It fosters cultural appreciation and enhances communication skills, not only amongst peers here at Stamford American but through life across education, work and travel. That is why two of the most widely spoken languages globally - Mandarin and Spanish - are part of our core curriculum from age 2, with a choice of daily and bilingual options. 1st and only school to offer Suzuki Violin from age 3 Music not only helps to develop a child’s senses and self- expression, it has a development, intelligence and memory. Playing the violin is introduced at age 3 and is proven to improve concentration, and combined with the Suzuki philosophy of encouragement, listening and learning with others, Stamford American children foster emotional awareness and creative development. direct link to mental 1st and only school to offer Smart Steps and Perceptual Motor Program from age 2 Our innovative programs exploit the strong link between the development of children’s gross motor skills and the physical

1st and only school to partner with a Celebrity Chef

Our role at Stamford American is to educate children with the right knowledge and skills to help them make better food choices, which will in turn boost their concentration in the classroom. Early Years children enjoy a family-style lunch, with over 25% organic ingredients and no MSG, trans fat or lard, served in partnership with Celebrity Chef Emmanuel Stroobant to encourage healthy eating and table etiquette.

To find out more about Stamford American, visit or call +65 6653 7907

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