Magazine Jan-Feb 2019
A huge thanks to the 308 MEMBERS who recently voted for our new wine & gourmet shop.
This timeline gives you an idea of the next phases of redevelopment you can expect in the coming months. These dates will vary depending on their operational readiness at the point of handover from the contractors. Once TOP is delivered, our teams will begin transitioning to the new spaces to get them ready for member usage. The Club will communicate more about openings as we get closer to these dates.
2015 Demolition Temporary Spaces Thinkspace PHASE 2 ACTUAL Q2 2018 Grillhouse Pools Central Spa Travel Desk PHASE 3
The Gourmet Pantry was the winning concept! Your vote will help inform the choices for uniforms, menu design, and general look and feel. You can look forward to the opening of the new Wine & Gourmet shop in Q1 2019.
W I N N E R !
option 2 Crates & Cuts 18% 55 votes
option 3 neither 14% 45 votes
option 1 Gourmet pantry 68% 210 votes
Q4 2018 The Galbraith Ballroom The Bowling Alley Union Bar PHASE 4 Q1 2019 Tradewinds Lobby The Quad The Gourmet Pantry PHASE 5
Q2 2019 Gym PHASE 6
Defect Warranty Period Improvements to spaces
11 | TAC
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