Magazine Jan-Feb 2017
the installation of four new Auto Filtration deep fryer machines in the past several months has translated to a 50% reduction in man-hours for used oil disposal and 77% less time for the cleaning of oil tanks, or a total savings of 652 man-hours per year by the Kitchen & Stewarding team. The shelf life of oil has now also been extended 3-fold, while the team enjoys a safer process and are better optimized as they can focus on other tasks. I hope the above gives you some idea of the continual steps we are taking to change, innovate and improve with advances in technology. We will continue to explore these new ideas (and implement them where feasible) as we move forward with the redevelopment project – updates will be shared as we gather more information and make decisions. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to stop by my office the next time you’re at The Club or drop me an email at
Our uniform distribution and laundry system is still labor intensive. The implementation of RFID technology on items such as our staff uniforms, linen and towels can significantly benefit our management of inventory tracking, stock taking, distribution and loss prevention of these assets. There is also huge potential for RFID technology to be scaled up and applied to many other areas of club operations as we reap the advantages of a fully automated, real-time data capture and analysis system. On the IT front, The Club is exploring the use of an online table management system that will allow Members to make reservations for restaurants and Club events 24 hours a day, enable us to effectively manage our table inventory and guest information; as well as a customized mobile application that will open up a whole new world of opportunities in the way we engage, transact, communicate with and serve our Members. While these represent just a small percentage of the many items on our ‘wish list’, The Club has also already embarked on the process of employing some of these newer technologies to great benefit. Back in the kitchens,
Wishing you a prosperous Year of the Rooster!
Martin Rudden General Manager
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